Recovering from Sickness and a bunch of Uneventful Events at the Start of the New Year

It's been a pretty uneventful last 2 weeks. 

Soon after our 7th anniversary date, the Friday before the Saturday I had to go back into work, I got sick with the same illness that overtook Sarah. The one where Sarah was vomiting. I was vomiting several times over. It made me a bit wary to go back to work the next day, so I called it off. The next day I was fine, though. Which was kinda funny, but good that I took the day off to get better and take care of my body.

I went back to work on Monday. And it was just a normal day, except that since it's the New Year, my first three days back had some turnaround with students, and I still think that there will be some more turnaround. (Meaning that there were new students that I had never seen before, however a good majority had stayed the same).

Over the break we had taken our car in to get it serviced from Parrot Auto. We wanted it back before the New Year, but he hadn't called us, so we checked on it on Monday and got it back then, so we were the whole break without a car, and I was one half work day without the car, and I got a ride from Brandon.

In our ward there have been a lot of changes made in leadership (which Sarah is always surprised that I keep these changes secret from her, but I do). One is that Sister Ferguson has been called as Primary President, which is cool, and whom Sarah has a lot of cameraderie with. Another is Sister Coleman was released as choir director, so me as Choir Pianist has a new person (Sister Bunker) to work with. And the Colemans have been called as the new Ward Mission Leader and secretary, so we as ward missionaries have a new mission leader over us.

We had activity days for the young boys in our ward for the first time in about a month the other day. Because of the new year, we added at least four new young boys to our mix of boys. We did the second part of our 2 part vision board and goals activity. For the most part it was interesting how much the boys got it but didn't get it. But oh well. For our next activity, before the break, we had bought a whole bunch of knuts and bolts to make a knuts and bolts chess set. Sarah had spent the effort and time looking up the cheapest route to go as far as spending for the chess sets, and Sean A'lee took it upon herself to help us buy the items, because we were without money. We had also gotten a gift from them and from an anonymous source in a chinese envelope. It was nice of them.

On Thursday, Sarah and I went to Deseret Industries to go fill a bishop's order for clothes for me and a few items of clothing for Sarah. It was really nice to get several items of clothing for myself and I intend to use them incessantly.

This coming week is the first week of ASC auditions, and Forrest has given Zoey and I more responsibilities in that he's having us do auditions for our location. Another responsibility that he has given us is that we will be the heart and soul of our location, meaning I will lead Gilbert, Zoey will lead Mesa, and Forrest will lead Phoenix. We're going to have more meetings every beginning of week to discuss how we want our songs to be taught and how we are leading them respectively in our locations and how it is going in our locations. He's giving us a lot of autonomy.

Lastly, Laren, our friend, wanted us to be her guinea pigs with WFG banking to learn more about insurance and perhaps sign up. We met with Molly and her last week. And I felt inspired to join them in their company and become a contributing member of their team to work with them. So, in the next few weeks, I will be learning about insurance and other banking things and getting my license so that I can sell insurance with them. I had to make a decision right out of the gate about whether or not I wanted to attend a conference last week, but I ended up deciding not to.

Also, Sarah had been feeling like she had been getting nothing done for her class and that she was getting her class so behind, but then she had a meeting with her class members and they were extremely kind and merciful and told her to get it done at her own pace and that they were just happy that she's doing something like this and that they can be a part of this. So she was happy after that.
