Thanksgiving 2024 with Ashley and Sam and Friends

My first few days off for the Thanksgiving break started on Tuesday. I taught Sister Coleman ukulele on that day and just enjoyed a day off. That night was a large combined rehearsal with ASC. Forrest only had me doing one song that night, and it was with Braedi. The song that they had me doing was This Little Babe, and for the most part it went well (I'm not really worried about it too much), but as I was stepping off the stage, I totally missed a step and fell on my left ankle and hopped off on my right foot. It was terribly painful. I went to go talk to Sarah about it (because she had come to participate with me in the dinner).

It hurt the next day, too, which was Wednesday. Wednesday mornings we go to the temple for the laundry. So instead of doing running and being on my feet, I sat down for the whole 4 hour shift while everyone around me did stuff. It was actually quite enjoyable. I did lots and lots of folding that day. That same day we had made plans to be with Ashley and Sam in helping them prepare for the Thanksgiving that they had invited us to. I also had an appointment with Michael to teach him piano at his house. The lesson went well. When I had returned to be with Sarah, Ashley and Sam, they were prepared to watch Ocean's Eleven, which is a movie we had raved about when we had had brunch with them. Sarah and Ashley had already prepared cranberry sauce. The movie was great, and we only paused it a few times to make sure Ashley was paying attention, as she was still preparing food while watching the movie.

The next day was Thanksgiving. We had to prepare several foods that day for Thanksgiving and Sarah and I didn't eat anything all day, not because we were smart and were wanting to save room for Thanksgiving but because we didn't really think about eating, which was our bad. We prepared several things together, which I helped her with. We made sweet potato casserole, stuffing (in the style of Sarah's mom's recipe), and I helped Sarah make rolls by getting the dough ready. All our foods tasted amazing.

We had intended to get to the Cook's house by 3pm that night, but our food preparation was taking longer than we had expected, as we had a late start. We actually got there fashionably late. The dinner didn't start until about 20ish minutes after we had arrived. But it was good, we got to chat with the other friends that Ashley had invited, including the Brandons.

The food was amazing. Company was great. And we sat outside by the pool in the cool fresh air.

One of the friends that Ashley had invited was a Kenyan woman and she had brought some Kenyan food. Later that same night, it did not sit well with Sarah and she threw it up. However, that didn't stop Sarah from craving it later the next day-that's how good it was.

The Brandons had made the most garlicky potatoes.

It was a good night.
