Getting Rides, a Missionary Lesson, A Musical Activity Days Night, and Our Friend Leaving for Japan

 It's been a good week, in spite of not having a car. We have gotten so many rides to the places that we need to be; it has been quite the miracle. I particularly have had rides to work, 3 days, from my boss, Brandon Croom. And to say that these rides have been interesting has been an understatement. It's so true even so that Brandon has been spreading around the office that he has been helping me learn how to sing and project. I have heard from two people, Julian and Augustina, that Brandon told them about the rides in the car and specifically about talking about and doing projection exercises. But all in all, it has been really nice that I have gotten him to give me a ride and he is pretty fun to talk to and I really appreciate the efforts he is making to help me, even when he has lots to think about and deal with.

Sarah had a tea party with Ashley Cook, but I'm going to have her write a few lines about that. All I'll say is that I did my best to help her prepare for it Tuesday morning.

I have received a new students outside of Gilbert School of Music, and they are the Colemans. Roxanne and Doug want to learn Ukulele from me and are wanting to meet twice a week starting in September. I'm excited to start training them in the ways of the Uke. Brother Coleman has been giving me rides, and even helped us get water this evening.

I went out with the missionaries yesterday to go meet Buddy, a new investigator that lives in the assisted living home up the street from us. The missionaries couldn't give me a ride. But it was a good lesson. We touched on the Restoration and the Plan of Salvation. I didn't know that the lesson was going to be an hour and a half. Buddy wants to come to church with a white shirt and tie. Hopefully someone can give him a ride if we don't have our car by Sunday. I walked home and really had to go to the bathroom afterwards. It may have resulted in an unfortunate accident.

Today we had activity days with the boys. The topic of the night was music. So we did a drum circle with several musical instruments, some of which was provided by Sean A'lee. The drum circle was actually really nice and each of the boys wanted to lead the drum circle. We then did a cup song Rondo form lesson. Then we did dancing to some yoga pose cards that Aubri Farnsworth owned. And lastly, we did a flying activity that was really very fun for the boys. Overall, a rather successful night.

Lastly, we invited Meg Irvine over. She is going to travel to Japan and be there for a year for work. She leaves this Saturday, so we wanted to get our last bit of time with her. We hope she is doing good and we told her we would miss her. We had lunch with her and enjoyed some time with her before she said her goodbyes.

Sarah also got a ride from Sarah Mable to the the store so that we could do our grocery shopping at a cheap grocery store last Saturday. It was nice of Sarah Mable to come all the way out to us to do that. She ultimately suggested that Dmitry has been asking about his switch so after all this time we gave back his switch, but without the dock, oops.


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