The Miracle of the Refund and Halloween as Nintendo Switch Controllers

 Today was amazing! It is November 1st and after some thought and prayer for special blessings and miracles to happen, we have been able to make our rent this month thanks to a refund we got from a bill we paid. It was a three-hundred dollar refund from State Farm that for some reason came back to us, and we were able to get it to our account by this morning. It was a miracle! Using money that I had made from piano teaching, and Sarah's tutoring, we were able to cover the rent with some to spare. We are going to celebrate with a cake that we will make. But REJOICE!

Sarah and I spent all of Halloween day working on our costumes so we could go to the Summit Point Ward Halloween Trunk or Treat. Our costumes were Nintendo Switch Controllers couple costume. We bought all the material that we needed from Target and Hobby Lobby. Then we spent time paining the poster board and the buttons on the controllers. Sarah made sure that the buttons with lettering were really good and we ended up with purple and blue controllers that we hung from our neck. 

At the party, Sarah was wearing the purple controller, with the letters ABXY on it, but when we approached Sister Shreeve she asked me what we were and I promptly told her. She got really excited and we could tell by her excitement that there was something wrong with her understanding of what we were. She had thought that Sarah had worn a sign that announced that we were having a baby. How wrong she was and also how embarrassed she was when we told her that was not the case. So Sarah and I switched our costumes and I wore the purple one and she wore the blue one. It was quite funny.

We walked around and trick or treated around the block of trunks. Then we road in the train that was at the church building. Afterwards, we said hi to the Klinglers, and that was our night after we went to Chilis and got a pazookie.

We had a large combined rehearsal for ASC this Wednesday. Forrest had me warm up the choir and do two of my three songs first. Before this we had a dinner with the group. I had found out the hard way that Kristie, our accompanist, was not returning Forrest's calls and texts, and so therefore was not at the event. I proceeded to lead the choir with Forrest, and then Benngy playing the piano for me. Overall, it went really well. And Forrest and I took some awesome pictures.

At my job, this week was Spirit Week, which meant wearing costumes if we had them. I was upset on Monday because I hadn't done anything to get costumes made or worn. However, after a talk with Augustina about different things, I brought up that I was sorry that I hadn't brought a costume. She then said that they had some costumes. So I chose to wear a pink flamingo hat on Monday and Tuesday that GSM provided. My students ate it up. I called the flamigo Filiberto the Flamingo but you can call him Phil. I also am preparing our group classes to play something for the upcoming Winter Recital. We're doing Up on the Housetop and It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. This is me and Sofias!

Today, Sarah and I spent some of the day preparing for election day by researching the candidates running and some of the props. We've been getting help from Helen for info regarding the candidates. This election is very important.
