Gary's Baptism, Ashley's Baptism, and other happenings

We have been so blessed. On Tuesday, Sarah went to the church to participate in a food basket activity for Thanksgiving. She sat by the Colemans, Goforths, Dauns and others. They talked about the big ASU as BYU game happening tomorrow, and which some are going to. The Colemans are ASU fans and the Dauns are BYU fans. She also saw Cindy Goodrich and she of course had to show her her blood clout, which i forgot to show Sarah after my time with Cindy ministering. Brother Bradshaw has been so good at setting up appointments to see our families. During the last month we've seen Cindy twice, plus the time she was in the hospital. All the times have been exactly what she needed from us, and honestly, what we've needed from her. After Sarah's time at the activity, she got a ride home. And after a few minutes she got a knock on the door, and we were given a basket from the ward, from the Goforths. It's funny, because in bishopric meeting i told the brethren that we were not in need of anything. Since we're having Thanksgiving worth Ashley and Sam, we decided the next day, to give our basket to the Tso family, Reed and Cedric, our next door neighbors. We were happy to do it and they were very appreciative. We also have them one of our frozen turkeys from years past. 

I recently contacted Dusty about any lighthouse lighting for performances and she told me they weren't doing that this year but that the 2nd graders did have their performance the next day. So I told her that I would be able to come. I totally forgot about activity days, but Sarah arranged for Sister Ferguson to come be with her (along with Brother Farnsworth) and they did a goal setting activity, which the three boys that were there responded to in there own fashion. While they were doing that, I was watching the Centennial Elementary 2nd Graders do almost the exact same performance that they did last year with me and Dusty about baking am apple pie from different countries. There were some noticeable differences from last year's performances of you were paying attention. 

I have been having some serious anxiety about Thursdays ASC and about Monday's work. It's something that i need to get over. On Monday we talked annoy concert order and I felt like I contributed the most to the discussion, besides Forrest himself. It's kinda crazy, when I'm not in my head about different things, I feel like I'm really good at them. I need to get better at stopping the for mid rehearsal to discuss how they can sing something more to my liking. 

On Sunday, Sarah and I Had a meeting with the bishop, particularly about two things: getting our recommendation for serving in the temple laundry, and tithing settlement. We talked about so much more than that with him, and we shared in his snacks. One of the things we talked about was how to make my business of piano teaching profitable in this day and age, particularly doing some online teaching of hymns, among other things. He bounced ideas off of us, and in the end we felt more edified for being in his presence. I received more invitations and things that I might want to do to earn more money. 

Gary was baptized and confirmed a member of the church yesterday. I was the one asked to do both ordinances. It was actually really cool and I'm glad we got to participate. Sarah was asked to give the baptism talk and she did a great job. It was cool to because Elder Huffaker made it out. 

Ashley Cook also was baptized today and she asked us to attend. We did and it was a marvelous event. We then participated in the Sunday service and went to the Broken Yolk for brunch. We chatted them up big time. We are spending Thanksgiving with them, as well as part of the day before. 

Also, today at church was crazy because Moroni wasn't at church so not only was in in charge of the zoom broadcast, but the Bunkers asked me to play the piano for them, specifically the song, O Divine Redeemer, which is probably one of the hardest accompaniments I've done. I messed up the zoom broadcast, so when I finally realized, no one was able to watch. Also the sound didn't work for the first 5 or so minutes. 
