Cosmo Park and Watching Forrest's and Lindsay's Kids

 Saturday was a great day. We had to get our taxes done. So we focused on getting the sheets printed out for our 2022 tax return to be sent in the mail, so we went to the Library on Guadalupe in Gilbert and printed the forms out. Then we made it to the post office with just enough time to mail it off before it closed.

I then took Sarah in the direction of my work. And we stopped at Cosmo park, which turns out is a dog park with a playground on it. It is also a dog park where the dogs can swim in the manmade lake that is located at the park, which is way cool. This was a bit of a surprise to Sarah and we enjoyed every minute of being in the dog park.

Then we went to Barnes and Noble so that Sarah could look at a book called Christ Listens for the Advent of Christmas. Sarah is in an advent until Christmas group on Facebook and she joined with Ashley. She read a few of the chapters, but we didn't end up getting the book because we were going to get it from the library. While we were there we went to the Starbucks to drink some chocolate creme frape.

While we were there, I found out that Forrest needed a babysitter and I asked Sarah if she would be willing to watch Elliot and Jacen with me that night at Forrest's house. She said yes and so we called him to let him know that we could do it. Forrest was trying to surprise Lindsay with night out.

We still had some time before we were to go to their house, but fortunately, Anna Berger gave us a call and had wanted to play a game with us so we played Wavelength for a certain period of time, and enjoyed ourselves on a bench outside of Barnes.

Watching the kids went by really well. Sarah needed to tutor Connor so I watched the kids while they watched tv. The only mishap that happened was Elliot had some foamy toy in his mouth that we needed to fish out. Jacen was also trying to climb the entertainment center, but as soon as we turned on Mario Kart videos, he got a lot more laid back.

Then Sarah took Elliott for some time, and I spent the time getting Jacen in his bed and getting ready for bed. He cried of course, but I sang him to sleep. It was really cute. Then I took Elliott and Sarah made a bottle for me and he was getting tired. Then we put him in bed with the ipad playing rain sounds. He didn't put up much of a fuss.

We were just about to watch some Bones on their tv when Forrest and Lindsay returned and showed us the Christmas toy haul that they had gotten. Then Forrest showed me what he had been working on: A Child's Prayer, and other songs. And we chatted about ASC and other things. I also show Lindsay my tablet and paintings. She liked it. I learned that next semester, Forrest is going to give me full reign on Gilbert's rehearsals.

On the ride home, we got some hamburgers from Rally's and Sarah asked me if we need to set roots here more than what we were thinking.
