S9 Ultra Pining, a new piano Student, and Bowling a 180 with 4 strikes in a Row

 It's been an interesting, but awesome, week.

First off, I wanna talk about how without asking questions, Helen let me and Sarah purchase an Samsung Galaxy S9 Ultra tablet with S Pen with her Best Buy card. Of course, when we get it and afterwards, we are going to pay her back, but just how much trust Helen has in me to do just that, purchase a $1000 object for me with full faith in me. However, for some reason, Best Buy canceled the order and we weren't able to get the order. Nonetheless, Helen still wants to help me and somehow I feel so ungrateful and undeserving of such generosity. However, I do know I am worth it, even though it is sometimes very hard to feel like I am worth it. Hopefully we'll be able to rectify the whole not being able to get a Samsung tablet at a good price.

Because of the above, I have been really interested this week on researching different apps, different cases, and different bluetooth keyboards for my (hopefully) future tablet. I am going to for sure download the MobileSheets app, which is an app designed for Sheet Music for Android tablets (whereas FourScore is the Ipad app that is very popular with Ipad users). I also want to use the tablet to start doing digital artwork, but I am currently unsure which app is best for Android because Ipad users use Procreate, and it sounds like the best app, but it isn't for Android users. I also want to use the tablet for reading books on Kindle and the Libby app. Those are the biggest things that I want to use my tablet for. But that is why I'm wondering what kind of case I should get. Because if the case has a keyboard, that would be cool, and to use the tablet as a computer, would be great as well. It would be awesome. Anyways, I can feel the tablet is coming and that it is almost in my fingertips.

I reached out to a woman named Abby that I had taught at Gilbert School of Music and who had wanted to continue lessons with me when she stopped going to GSM. However, she couldn't for the time after, but I felt like I needed to reach out to her and ask her if she was interested again in working with me as a private student of mine. She said that she was ready to start up with me again. And just the other day, I started teaching her again. Except this time she was at my house. We set up the piano in the living room and the lesson went really well. She had originally wanted to learn different pop songs on the piano. But on Wednesday, she told me her tastes had changed and she wanted to learn classical piano pieces. She even brought a book of slightly simplified classical piano pieces. It was interesting, because I took the book and we went through what they sound like. We took at least 13 minutes doing that.

Not to mention, I've also started teaching the Colemans the Ukulele from our ward in the Ironwood Ward. Both Abby and the Colemans are with me at my rate, but they asked for lessons for every other week. I love teaching the Colemans. They are so fun to work with. I teach them separately but at their house. They are really improving, too, which is amazing. Sister Coleman has a book of songs that her family would sing, and her dad was a great ukulele player that sang the songs. And Brother Coleman is really skillful with stringed instruments. He just needs to practice. What was cool is I told Brother Coleman that my watch (which I enjoy) stopped working and that I needed another one. When he heard that, he said let me go see what I can find from my watches that I can give you. He came back to the room with a Fitbit Smartwatch. But a Fitbit with a story. He said it was given to him by Cindy McCain, John McCain's wife. John McCain was a former US Senator from Arizona, but he is currently passed away. Pretty Cool.

Sarah has been getting her Astrology Certification done with one of Naomi Fox Reina's employees. About a week ago Sarah did the first third of the certification about herself and this week she did it about someone she loves and knows very well. So she chose my chart to talk about. I was sitting in our bedroom while she was doing it and listening in to the different revealings about my self that she was making based on my Astrology Chart.

I spent yesterday afterwards talking to Sarah about what I heard and about the misgivings that I had about myself after hearing what she said. We also talked about my feelings about ASC that day, as Forrest wasn't going to be able to come, and because Kristie the pianist might be coming. She didn't come, ultimately, but that doesn't mean that I have some fears based on what other people think about me. I definitely need to get it out of my head-the care about what other people think of me.

Sarah and I finally put up the vinyl that Lauramae made for us that says El Vive Para Ayudar, or he lives to help. It definitely completes our wall. We just need to get the last frame to fill the empty space. It had fallen and broken.

Sarah and I went bowling on Wednesday. It was quite fun. We bowled to rounds and got pizza. The awesome thing is on the first round, I had bowled a 180 and had gotten 4 strikes in a row. A cold turkey plus one. It was the first time I had ever done that. There were even other bowlers watching me in the next lane over and congratulating me. It was so cool. That is why I wanted to bowl another round, but I was getting hot and only scored a little below 100. It was so much fun going out with Sarah and to break in my new bowling shoes which we had gotten the previous time we went out bowling.
