First Member of her Class, Not having Internet, Uber Eats, Work, and ASC misgivings and triumphs

 Sarah and I have been praying that she would get some new clients, especially some that would sign up for her class. And today a lady named Jodi totally did today! This made us so excited. I woke up early this morning to wash the dishes and listen to Popcorn Culture and when I was done I checked our emails and low and behold we get a letter from Paypal saying that someone had signed up for her class. I immediately ran to tell Sarah the amazing news and Sarah was so happy and just breathing it in. She signed up for the 4 payments of $144 a month.

Sarah wants to spread the news of herself and her class to the world so today she has been sorta wrestling with the idea of creating her first video that would be made into a reel. I am hoping that she does do it and bite the bullet.

This class is also going to have 64 modules that she updates weekly of things that she wants to teach the class, plus weekly zoom meetings with those that want to meet with her. I really hope more people sign up for the class.

Because of certain things, we were unable to pay internet for about 4 or 5 days. So, we were truly living in the dark ages. But really, it wasn't so bad except for when you want a dopamine hit from watching a television show or a movie that you now stream. We've been waiting for my paycheck to come in which it finally came in last night. We haven't had money because we used all that we had to pay our rent on Saturday. We spent all day on Friday night doing Uber Eats, and we made a whopping $174 from 10 hours of work. It was the most that Sarah and I have made in Eats ever and worked hours wise. But that put us past the tipping point for our rent and we were able to pay it.

I've been having feelings about Job once again that I've been dealing with. I've been sad that I'm not making what I'm actually worth and what people do pay me when I teach them privately. I really want to build my piano business, but it is hard when we have mentioned possibly moving in a year and because I fill my other three days with eight hour shifts. I really want to follow my projector energy, and that only allows for so much. I'm still wondering whether or not the perfect job is out there for me and if I can have it.

I've also been having feelings about my competence with ASC. I realized that when I take over the meeting for Forrest, I don't do certain things. Sarah had me call Benngy to ask him his opinion about me. He told me things that I knew and things I didn't know. I took everything that I heard with that phone conversation, and applied the skills to our rehearsal yesterday. And honestly, it went great, even when I found out that Forrest couldn't be there because of an emergency. Some of the things I applied were sounding more confident in my voice and louder. Giving more direction and feedback. Doing my best to have a good humor and jokes. Describing how the music should sound, etc. I actually had fun.

After a struggling day, Sarah and I went to Denny's. We met a New Yorker named Charles who waited on us. He was so nice. We got into conversation about different cultures and even speaking Spanish with him. He was a young guy with an awesome laugh, as well, since Sarah was able to spark some laughter from him.

Sarah did her best to get me an S9 Ultra Tablet-Samsung with help, but it didn't end up working. Hopefully it does work soon.

Sarah has also been dabbling into watercoloring recently and she's been doing a great job.


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