NICE Therapy, Missionary Efforts, ASC Momentum, and Work Demomentum

 I just completed 8 weeks of therapy with my Therapist Alex Sullivan. This was through the NICE app which my work gives as a bonus. The therapy only last eight weeks and unlike long term therapy, this was focused on accomplishing things that were more intensive in the 8 week period. I really enjoyed working with Alex. I felt heard. We focused on things that would go towards my leadership in the home and in the work place, having a positive mental outlook on life, communication between spouse, etc. The therapy sessions were really good.

Our efforts to help out the missionaries, as ward missionaries has not been in vain. We had been invited on appointments with people like Marylou, Dolores, and Gary. Just today I went out with the missionaries and we invited Gary to baptism. He even had questions about baptism which were rather pertinent after having read 3rd Nephi 11. That is great and we gave Buddy a ride to church on Sunday. He got a ride back from someone else unbeknownst to us. To be Honest, I don't know if he made it back to this day, but I think we would have heard about it if he hadn't.

Arizona Saints Chorale has officially started once again. This time I am really excited to start this semester and I have my whole two cents in the game with three songs chosen for the concert. Forrest was absent last Thursday, so I had to take over the leading of music. Fortunately, I had gone over all the music the day before, as well had gone over the music with Sarah as a precaution.

I had a hard time getting ready for work on Monday, after a Monday off. I felt like I was running away. But this is something that I discussed in therapy, as well as something that changed on Tuesday.
