A Laborious but Unforgettable Baked Goods Labor Day 2024

The enormity of the task we put our minds to doing for this labor day bake sell was just not comprehended. We spent all day, from the time we got at at 9am until 7:30pm baking and from the time we were done baking until 11:30pm, driving around town delivering the baked goods. We got 20 orders, 21 if you count the one order we baked for ourselves. It was extremely crazy. We had five baked items that we were making: rolls, cinnamon rolls, toffee bars, scones, and loafs of bread.

For the most part, it was a good experience. Sarah and I worked together really well, always consulting one another with the ideas we had to make the day better and to get this to be a good bake. 

We threw away one of my doughs because it did not absorb the water very well. At the end of the baking process, we burnt the scones. We also burnt a hot pad on the burner. We did not write down all 20 orders, so we missed an order. But overall, we did so many good things. I did not know how to do all the things that I did yesterday, including cutting and putting cinnamon on the cinnamon rolls and also shaping the bread rolls was something new that Sarah taught me.

And unfortunately, we did not think to take many pictures. I got a picture of the burnt scones and the cinnamon rolls that we made for ourselves.

It was a crazy undertaking, and we made over $200 from the feat, but profit was a bit less because of everything we had to buy.
