A New Temple Laundry Shift, as well as a New Job

 The Mesa Temple had been closed for two weeks for routine things like cleaning, etc. In the two weeks that it had been closed, Sarah had been in the talks of getting a job at TLC Services. It is a company that is in charge of getting people and children with disabilities services. Mostly rides to the different things that they have going on, but some other services as well. Sarah was offered the job and she took it. She will be working three days a week: Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays in the evening. 

Because of this new job, a few things had to happen for it to come to pass. First, we had to see if they would switch activity days to another day. And secondly, we needed to see if we could switch the day we worked in the temple laundry. So we reached out to Sister Bunker and they are currently in the process of  switching the day that we have activity days. Hopefully it will be something that will work out for all of us and especially the boys (even if that means calling some other people [but we hope that doesn't happen because we love the boys so much]).

We also reached out to Sister Annette Scott about changing our day, and she came back to us about working at the temple either Wednesday morning, or sometime on Saturday. Well, the Saturday appointments would not work, since I work practically all day that day. So we chose Wednesday.

So Friday was our last temple shift for that day. We weren't able to say bye to Maria because she was sick, but we did get to say bye to Tracey and Betty. Hopefully we'll see Maria again soon.

But that means today, Wednesday, was our very first early morning shift in the temple laundry. It was actually very fun. We got to meet the Laundry Clerk, Jessica, who is amazing at being a laundry clerk and was an immediate friend. We also met the Walkers; an elderly couple that are really cool in their own way.

We learned a lot of new skills that taught us different things about how to do things in the laundry.

We are going to have a lot of fun on this shift, and the waking up early didn't really even play a big factor in how much we liked working at the temple. Hopefully it stays that way.

Sarah starts her new job this coming Friday. We're excited for her.

Speaking of Activity Days, we had a great activity led by Sarah about Safety in which we talked about appropriate safety measures we take in different scenarios. The kids acted out calling 9-1-1 so that they could be prepared for different safety situations.
