Trefflich Family Reunion and the Ensuing Adventure

Up until Wednesday, July 31st, we didn't know if we would be taking the Minnie Winnie that David and family were planning on buying. The closer it got to the vacation the more it wasn't looking like it was going to happen. The biggest reason being that the bank would not give out a loan to a RV that wasn't already on David's insurance, nor registered in California under David's name, since it was an RV in Arizona. David and family offered to pay for us to take a plane trip to Cali, but in the end, I wanted to have an adventure road trip style. So we opted to take a road trip instead of fly, and it was definitely worth it.

We got to spend time with my mom. We got there late after watching Emma Thompson’s kids. The next morning, after talking for a long while in the evening, mom and I got together to sing different songs that she had copies to and wanted to play the piano to. It gave Sarah and me the idea to sing two of my songs at the talent show, including My Shepherd and the Stabdard of Truth.

After we left, we traveled straight to Helen's storage unit to help her with her unit, which is going up in price. We packed away lot of Lisa's stuff. But as we were about to leave, we found out that we had a tire that was bare to the bone. In fact three of our tires were bare to the bone so after AAA came to switch our tire out for the donut, we went to a used tire shop and switched out the three for used tires. We were very blessed none of thr other tires died on us during the trip.

Then we went to say hi to Christina and family and hung out with them and Helen for the rest of the night. Christina and I went through the boxes of stuff making sure that it was all good to be taken to be stored at David's house.

The next day we traveled to the Cabins at Pine Mountain Club. Sarah and I missed an exit and were 20 miles out before we figured it out. But we finally made it. Sarah's mom also got lost, so we were in good company.

The first day we had dinner and it was kinda just a chill night. Then we were introduced to the small cabin where Sarah and I would be staying with Arno, Sarah's dad. We found out that Roku Channel has Great British Bake Off and before we went to bed we fell asleep to the first episode of the first season, one we hadn't seen before.

The next day was designated as the swimming day. We went to the Pine Mountain Club pool. There we saw Adina, who had showed up to be with family and for the pictures. She brought her boyfriend Gavin and it was really nice to meet him as well as talk to him and her. I found out that he played tennis with Adina, so we scheduled to play tennis after the pool and before family pictures. I played tennis with them, mostly just rallying, and we played a set, but I was too skilled for them so we went back to rallying.

Sarah talked to her brother David about her knee at the pool. He told her to ice it but to not stop doing her exercises for the sake of saving her knee because that would be more detrimental. So during the trip, Sarah iced her knee at night.

That night we had family pictures, which Jon Martin was in charge of. He did a good job getting everyone where they needed to be so that we could take good pics. Then after I played badminton with Noah and Marcus, we had a family meeting about Helen and what would happen to her stuff after she passes. The meeting went well, albeit kinda long, but you know, it is necessary. We volunteered to do the picture slide show at her funeral. Athena also volunteered. Sarah volunteered to do the doctrinal talk.

The people that made it to the family reunion was David and family, Arnie and family, Christina and family, us, Athena and family, Enoch and family,  and Adina. Arno and Helen were there. Lisa and Danny and Carol participated via zoom. Richard was stuck doing stuff for Lorenzo.

The next day was Sunday. We went to church as a family and we practically doubled the ward, and they were mostly happy for it. They needed our help with Sacrament, recruiting Ben Trefflich to pass it, and then David volunteered to play the piano when the organ didn't work. Another funny thing is that for those who stayed for second hour, Arno left the Sunday School meeting, and when we went to look for him during the meeting, none of us could find him. Finally, when Sunday School was finishing, a member of the bishopric stopped everyone from leaving to say that he talked to Arno, but wouldn't tell us if he was okay, and started commenting to Helen that there was another person from their ward that had lived in Colton. Finally he told us that Arno had been talking them up during Sunday school and that he was safe, phew!

That afternoon, I had planned to play tennis with Jon. But when I had returned after changing, David had this idea that we should all go play golf. So David, Arnie, Jon and I went to go play golf.  We played 9 holes, and Enoch joined us later. They said that I was probably the best hitter out of all five of them.

That night we had the talent show. It was quite good, and nearly all of the grandchildren performed something. Sarah and I participated as well, and David played the piano for me, singing The Standard of Truth and Sarah sang My Shepherd. I also performed with Annabelle and Julia, the Shrek version of Hallelujah. Then Christina shared I sight about the parable of the talents. Then the cousins and I played video games. All in all, it was a great time.

The next day was the clean up last day of the family reunion. So we cleaned up and said our goodbyes. We really wanted to go to the beach, and we found out that Arnie and family were going, so we went with them to the beach at Manhattan Beach. It was a really fun time. Sarah swam, and then she had to tutor Connor, and by the time she was done we had to move our car and that took a while, plus I was chafing. So we all decided to walk up the steep hill and then we hung out with Arnie at his hotel, which was there on the beach. They still had plans to go toDisneyland and JPL the following days. We also watched a little bit of the Olympics with them.

We had one more day left in Redondo Beach, so the next day I went to play tennis with Jonathan Martin. We actually play a full game and it was fun, and Jonathan got some points on me. When we returned home I told this to Aoife and she was like that means dad was good, but that was only partially true. Jon did hold his own, though. While we were playing, Sarah went with her mom to her storage to pick up the rest of the items that were hers and clean out some of Helen's storage. Then, when we had returned, we Saif our goodbyes to both families and headed to Fontana.

In Fontana, we stopped by Lucy and Jesus' house. They were happy to have us over and fed us Tallarin Verde with Bistek and Papa a la huancaina. Then we chatted for a while. We talked about politics in Peru and Pavels hand in it, as well as Pavel's youtube channel, Yachay Wasi.

Then we went to Mom's house in Fontana and hung out with her. Sarah took a nap and I watched Catch Me If You Can with mom. Then we made some breakfast for dinner, and we went to bed.

The next day we traveled home. We stopped by Miguel's Jr. on our way home. We picked up two bean and cheese burritos, as well as got a sunrise burrito, which was a breakfast one. The ride home was pretty uneventful, except that I had an injection at the doctor's office that day. But that was our awesome trip!
