Our Olympic-themed Activity Days

The other day we had to prepare for the ensuing Activity Days. Originally, it had been Sarah and my idea to do a knuts and bolts chess set. So we went to the tractor store in Apache Junction and looked at knuts and bolts. After scouring the store we concluded that it was going to cost us upwards of $30 or more. We decided that we couldn't do it just then, even if the church would reimburse us because we didn't have the funds to do so. So we talked about what we could do instead. The day prior I had told Sarah that if the Activity didn't work we could go get a badminton set from Bishop Norton's warehouse of goodies. But while I was at the store, the idea came that instead of just badminton, we could do an Olympic themed Activity days, since, of course, the Olympics were occurring at the same time.

So Sarah and I researched while sitting on the shoe bench in the store the things that we could do for the boys.

We ran into Aubri at Walmart and it was a good thing that we did because she had stuff that we needed. She provided bean bags and ribbons.

During the Activity, which was amazing, we had the boys take a pretend torch through a pathway to the cultural hall, where we lit a pretend flame in the trashcan. Then we proceeded to do activities such as a sprint across the cultural hall, tossing a javelin, tossing a pillow like a discus, throwing bean bags like shot put, artistic gymnastics with ribbons, long jumping, and we ended with a relay race. It was good that we did because it brought a sense of camaraderie among the four boys that showed up. We had Strider, James, Eli, and Luke.

It was a really fun activity and Sister Bevell said that we could potentially use knuts and bolts from her ranch because they have like a bunch of pieces.
