Miraculous Car Rides and Gamifying Habits that Help Us Keep Our House Clean

 An update on our life is that we have had no car since last Friday the 9th, so almost 10 days. We have been having to make due without for that time. The biggest thing that we have needed to use the car for would be for getting me to work on Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. So, the first Saturday, Meg Irvine gave us a ride in her car to my work. That was the day that Lupe Perez had her baptism, so Sarah had come as well. Sarah hung out with Meg at Walmart and then came back in time for me to help her into the gym close to my work. And then Sarah took the bus to Lupe's baptism and then I took the bus about halfway when Sarah asked Emily Gipper to give me a ride the rest of the way so that I would make it in time.

As for church on Sunday, I got a ride from Brother Dehart and Sarah got a ride from the Fergusons. Then we got a ride after our ward missionary meeting. Then Sister Coleman gave us a ride to choir practice. For work on Monday, I got a ride to the Bus stop at Superstition Springs Center and then took the bus to work that day. Then I took an Uber home. However, as I was leaving work and telling Brandon, my boss, about how I was taking Uber home, he said he wish he knew because he would have given me a ride. But then he offered to take me to work the next day, with a ride home afterwards. That was my next day.

Then we had three days of not really needing rides anywhere. Part of our resolve to clean our house and get into the habits of doing good things was to talk on Friday morning about if we were going to get rides or rent a car. We ultimately decided that since our car, which we now knew was going to take until Wed-Friday to fix and an $800 fix on the torque converter, that we would get rides, especially since we needed to save money as well as pay off bills.

So we got Brother Coleman to give us a ride to the temple, which we really asked him to drive us to the bus stop but he so nicely took us all the way to the Mesa Temple. And then after getting a ride on the bus, the Fergusons picked us up. Brother Reed has taken me to Brandon's house to get a ride to work two times already, and Forrest gave me a ride to the ASC meeting today, and Benngy gave me a ride home. Brother Dehart is going to give me a ride to church tomorrow, and Brother Coleman is going to take me to Brandon's house on Monday and Tuesday and Brandon will take me to and from work. Ultimately, all very nice of people to do. Hopefully our car will be done in the time that Ray Parrot from Parrot Auto Discount said that it would be done.

For the three days that I was home and not working, Sarah and I really buckled in and I led our family in coming up with systems to make our house a lot nicer than it is. One of the systems is using an app called Habitica to gamify our accomplishing habits experience. We have fully embraced using the app, as well as have cleaned our house in the best way. It still needs some more cleaning but it's the cleanest it has ever been.
