Lupe Perez' Baptism

This last Saturday we were invited to a good friend in our old Summit Point Ward, Lupe Perez' baptism. Her family, starting with Husband Roberto, and family have all been our friends. The family has been on the road to membership, including Rylan and Aylette and their youngest son. When we were still in the ward, they had invited us over for a family home evening, where we all decided to do service as a family group at Feed My Starving Children. Sarah was also one of Lupe's first friends in the ward, seeing as how she spoke very good Spanish.

So the family invited us to come to her baptism, which some say was about time and others say that it happened at the perfect time.

Since we don't have a car, Sarah and I both had to find a way to get there which included the bus system in Mesa/Gilbert. But once we both made it, Sarah had time to reconoiter with Emily Gipper, which also was the perfect time for them to reconnect and make friends again after a long spell of not having spoken. She even gave me a ride from the bus stop to the baptism.

The baptism was attended by more than 100 individuals. I have never seen a baptism that was so well supported by the members, family and friends. Sarah even had a special assignment in the meeting, to give the prayer, and she gave it in flawless Spanish. Bishop even tried his hand at it by saying "Mucho Hambre."

Then, after the baptism, which was beautiful, we reconnected with members of the Summit Point Ward, and even making new friends. One such was brother Anderson and his wife, who had just moved in and was the new mission leader and had connections to Peru by serving there.

We had fun talking to Rylan about his new call to Chile. We also had fun talking to the Bealls about stuff happening in their life. Then we talked to LauraMae and Kyle Klingler. Then we got a ride home from Alison Fox, who also took us to get water, and some food for the week.

Overall, a very fun, and successful baptism outing.
