The Potential Minnie Winnie trip, Hogwarts Legacy Beginnings, SmartSocial job, Therapy, and employment services

 We might have some developments in our trip to California for Sarah's family reunion this coming August (or in a week and a half). David, Sarah's brother, asked us to go check out a Minnie Winnie (Winnebago) that one of their friends is selling in Gilbert, Arizona. He said something to the effect that if they purchase the Winnebago, then they will need someone to drive it to California, and what better time for them to get it, then when Sarah and I drive out to California in a couple of weeks. It didn't take that much convincing from me that this would be fun, since I just recently drove the 20 foot Uhaul for Sarah Mable. Well, we drove out to go check out the RV for David. Honestly, it's a very nice RV, and we hope that David and Kirsten get it, but we haven't heard anything from him since we checked it out for their family.

We started playing Hogwarts Legacy, and it's been pretty cool. We created our own character named Amelda. She is blondish with very distinguishable features. However, the graphics, as Meg told us, are not that pleasant to look at. But we've already completed a Defense Against the Dark Arts class and Charms class. Meg is letting us borrow her switch and her dock while she goes to Japan to work teaching children English for a year. Recently, she's been in Washington D.C. and surrounding parts. We have and definitely will miss her when she is gone.

I did not get the podcasting editor position at Arbinger Institute. And while that was a bit harrowing, and I had to grieve, I looked for another position that is like unto what I found. And I found a Podcast and Video Editor for that is remote. They are a company that specializes in helping teens stay away and use social media wisely. That seemed like a cause that I could get behind, because other podcasting jobs I was finding were not savory. I'll keep looking though. But this would be a great job to get because remote is awesome, and because it would be a lot more money than I actually get and full time. $25-$35 an hour. Hopefully they take me and I can get out of my Gilbert School of Music job.

That being said, Augustina did meet with me, originally intending to ask me if I could take on more responsibilities on Saturday camps, but I interjected by telling her that my Group Classes have been really difficult to deal with, mostly because of the differing levels of students in the 5-6 year old class because the management keeps on adding and adding more kids to the class. She said that she could work with me and she's moving the further ahead kids to my older class and making my 5-6 year old class smaller. Monday was a lot better, but half the kids were not there, so that could have played a factor.

I also have been starting therapy with the NICE app, as provided by Gilbert School of Music. It's a fast therapy session in that they offer 8 therapy sessions where they focus on accomplishing goals and getting better by the eighth appointment. My therapist is Alex. He's a nice guy. I felt like the appointment I had with him was great.

Also, I've been working with LDS employment services, specifically a missionary named Elder Tom Foy to help me boost my resume and give me the skills necessary to find employment that I want to do. That has been good for me as well.
