Nannying the Thompson Kids

 So, what's been happening in our lives. Well, three kids have come into our lives. Emma Thompson, previous Ironwood Ward member asked us to watch her kids, she lives on the outskirts of Apache Junction in East Mesa. It's been pretty crazy really. I've been able to help Sarah out in the mornings before work, and then on the days that I have off, I help her out the whole day.

The name of the three kids are Lydia, Luke, and Lincoln. They are such fun kids to hang out with. I feel this way even so much that over the weekend I have had withdrawals of the Thompson kids. They are going to be starting school very soon, though, which means we only have so much longer with them.

Lydia is tenacious, but sweet. Luke is great at winning things, and often either has beginner's luck or cruises by while other people are at each other's throats in the game. Lincoln also can be sweet when he is occupied. The kids are addicted to TV, particularly Luke. But they all try to stand right in front of the TV to watch it and then ignore you when you try to tell them to sit down on the carpet which is a good distance from the tv, or the couch.

They love games, and of all the games we have brought with us, they have wanted to play all of them. Also, when they discard cards, they lovingly and innocently call it "discounting" the card. They have a love for cinnamon toast that is out of this world.

Sarah and I have taken them to a splash pad and maybe today we will go to the pool, but that is still up in the air. They love books that rhyme, and they particularly like to push your buttons. Case and point is they found gum in our car the other day and I asked for it back before they ate it. A few seconds later, I look back and I see them chewing on gum. The audacity. I told them to spit it out and Lydia did, but Luke and Lincoln both swallowed theirs. The audacity. We had to give them all a talking to about respect.

Overall, this has been a learning experience for me and especially Sarah. Reason being is, unlike Claire and Rosie from the Large family, these kids are in such hurt and search for structure that they chase for it in the most pushback way. Sarah has had a hard time with the mild defiance and has had hurt feelings when the kids don't automatically like her. It's made her question about motherhood. But I just want to say, Sarah does amazingly with the kids and will be the best mother of children. She's so good with them.
