Amanda, Fourth of July and Dog-sitting as well as a Nice Activity Days Pool Party, and Podcast Editor job listing

 The week of the Fourth of July, a lot of things happened. We thought we were going to watch the Bishop's family's dogs but then they said they had gotten Emma Thompson to watch them. Well, Emma had called us up on Saturday or Sunday night and said that she couldn't do it for the full week, so she asked us if we could do it from Tuesday to Saturday. We said yes.

Sarah had started work at MDS communications the week prior, and on the 2nd or so, we decided to help Amanda, Sarah Mable's sister by having her move in with us while she gets situated and finds a new home and a car, etc. So she's been living with us since then up until now. The day after Amanda moved in, Sarah was not having a good go at her new job and was feeling super stifled and sad. Ultimately, by prayer, we found out that Sarah could quit her job. So that same day, she quit her job and came home.

For the fourth of July, which was on Thursday, we wanted to be with the dogs so that they weren't going crazy, although the bishop lives in the middle of nowhere where no one sets off fireworks. There were little bangs from off in the distance. However, we kept the dogs from hearing the bangs by watching Sister Act 2 and an episode of what we lovingly call Simon and Shulster, or Scarecrow and Mrs. King. We set up our little pad so that we could watch the dogs on the porch. There is one male white dog, with two adult female dogs, and three puppies, all very cute. We did see some fireworks off in the distance.

Meanwhile, I had found a job posting for Podcast editor at the Arbinger Institute and decided to apply I  went to the LDS employment services as well as set up times where I could use their services remotely, and I beefed up my resume and cover letter for both that position as well as positions in the general music field. I've been so exited to apply for this position. I finally sat down and finished applying for it yesterday. I really do hope I get it.

I was also asked to dog-sit for the Farnsworth's, who have two big dogs. On one night the dogs got out of their kennel and went through all the trash, as well as pooped in different places, which I cleaned up. Also, with the bishop's dogs, we had been getting water with ice from the freezer and I had left the freezer open overnight in an overly heated house. That was not good.

We recently had a combined Activity Days pool party with the girls. It was so cool. The Harpole's allowed us to come and it was just so much fun. We got pizza for the party from pizza hut. Pepperoni and some cheeses. That same day, Sarah was asked to watch the three kids that belong to Sarah Mable, Lily, Abigail and Niko. I went to help her later that day.

Also, Sarah has taken on a temporary Nannying position with Emma Thompson and her three kids, Lydia, Luke, and Lincoln. The first day she was regarded as the best Nanny they've had, and on the second day she was regarded as a hated figure. So that second day was rather hard for her. But that first day she went out with them to the pool.

I had an orientation therapist appointment just the other day, as well as some personal development (PD) from That Music Teacher Community at the General Music conference this week.
