Sickness before a big trip and Being Able to Cover All Bills and some Debt with Our Savings
Sunday I was sick with a huge sore throat, as well as light-headedness. I've been sick since Sunday, slowly but steadily getting better. Hoping that I'm going to be at 100% when we go on our trip to Idaho on Thursday for Lowe's baby blessing. I've had to make the decision to stay home from work the past two days. It's been sad and a real pain, as I have still had to make sub notes for them, and I hate missing things that are important to others, like preparing my group piano classes for recital, and missing all the other people, because I am already missing Saturday. So I'm missing this whole week. Oh well. Had to be done because of my sickness.
We called Bishop on Sunday about counsel for how we should pay our rent this month. He told us to dip into savings and then build it up again. We had $1500 in savings, plus some extra money. We decided to dip into savings, for rent, and also to pay some our debt to Sarah Mable, to help her get an apartment in a place that she needs when she moves really soon to Scottsdale. Then, when we got paid through Sarah's Veyo work today, we paid off almost all of our Bills that aren't automatic. It's a big accomplishment to feel like we are scott free for the month of June. This is what we've been working for. Also Sarah was finally able to complet her payments for Light Filled Astrology, which makes me so glad.
Meg Irvine came to our house today to help us with our dishes. I am so happy that she did. She's a big help. We love her so much.
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