Helping Sarah Mable and Dmitry Move to Scottsdale
We were planning on watching the last episode of The Chosen season 4 the evening of the 30th, when Sarah Mable gives us a call and she is in shambles. This is the last day for her to move out of her house and things are just not working out for her; Dmitry is supposed to be helping but he's no where to be found.
Well, we decided that we were going to help her, and help her ward members pack up and help her, so that she can be off getting a huge breather on this stressful day for her.
We get to her house and the ward members are all packing up her stuff and Amanda, Sarah's sister, is sitting in the garage, also in shambles because of a falling out she had with her sister and not knowing what she's going to do with herself.
When we finally get the word that Dmitry might not be coming with a moving truck and get the okay from Sarah Mable, we tell the loaders from her ward that we are going to help get the U-haul so that we can get Sarah's car house loaded up and transported. My wife, Sarah's mom helped us out by giving us some money so that we could get a u-haul. I was the driver.
By the time we got back with the Uhaul, the packers and loaders were ready to load the UHaul to the brim with all the stuff from Sarah's house. During that time, Sarah was trying to get it so that we could take the stuff to a storage unit, but in the end that didn't work out because it was too small and on the second story. I was left to answer the movers questions about which of all her items was staying and being thrown in the trash and which questionable items needed to be put on the truck. After some time, and really nice people helping, we got the whole truck loaded with all of Sarah's stuff. Meanwhile, my wife, who had taken it upon herself to organize the party, had been calling the Elder's Quorum President from Sarah Mable's new ward to help us unpack all the stuff. And then I drove Sarah Mable's stuff to Scottsdale.
We were met by 4 different men from her new ward including the Elders Quorum President to help us with the unpacking of her stuff. Dmitry did show up for this portion of the move. In a matter of time, they, with my help, got the truck unloaded. It was good teamwork had by all.
We could tell that Dmitry was stressed out, and we offended him by suggesting to the EQP that Niko had yet to be blessed. He got upset with us and pretty much kicked us out after the comment. But you know. It' s gotten better since then. He did apologize for his rudeness to us. Although, I had been carrying negative feelings toward him for almost two weeks because I didn't realize he apologized, because he apologized to Sarah, and not to me.
We turned in the truck and went out to eat some Chinese Food.
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