My 35th Birthday

I had a great 35th birthday! It all began like a week before. I was at a Arizona Saints Chorale meeting, which was a potluck where spouses weren't invited. I told Sarah that day that I was going to go get Little Caesar's pizza for the potluck. Well after several minutes, Forrest said that he didn't do surprises that well, and announced that Sarah had brought a cake, not only for my birthday, but for all the "Choir Peeps" whose birthday fell in May, and the rest as well, because Chad's, mine, Zoey's, and other's birthdays were that same month. It was an almost triple decker chocolate cake with a frosting flower on top of it and gold leaves. It was really cool. We ate it at the end of the choir meeting. And I brought the rest home.

We decided to do all the free things that I could do on my birthday. So we got a free hamburger from Red Robin. I got the Lava Queso burger, which surprisingly came with a cup that dropped queso like lava on top of the burger and you ate the burger with a knife and fork.

On my birthday, we took advantage of a free sub from Jimmy John's and also a birthday cake shake from Dutch Bros. that Briana told me about. I also bought Tillamook Mudslide chocolate ice cream.

Sarah stayed home and did the things that I wanted to, such as: watch a new episode of Relative Race, and another episode of Not Dead Yet, a new Sitcom I have found. We also went with Meg Irvine to Red Mountain's institute for Spanish scripture reading. It was honestly really boring. And we just went to meet someone that Meg likes. I played one throw of dodgeball, but got out immediately, and ate breakfast for dinner.

Then she surprised me with letters from many different people that she had sent to a new email. I loved reading them and they made me emotional. Definitely a good birthday.

Here are the letter's enumerated:

From Mom:

My memories of John begin long before he was born.  I remember finding out that I was pregnant.  I was so excited as I had always wanted to be a mother.  I was fortunate because I didn’t suffer from morning sickness like many women do.  I was still teaching during my pregnancy and I think that the Lord knew that being sick and having to work would have been more than I could stand and so he blessed me in that respect.

We did not know that you were a boy as back in those days, they did not do ultrasounds routinely like they do today.  I, however, always had a feeling that you were a boy and when you were born, you proved me right.  You were born on the Tuesday right after Memorial Day which is a day that would change my life forever for the good.  I was instructed by your father that I was not to go into labor on Memorial Day as he actually had that day off from work and wanted to be able to enjoy it rather than spending it at the hospital.  Fortunately, I was very obedient.  I started to have labor pains after we went to bed that night.  We waited a few hours to go to the hospital just to make sure that the contractions would not stop.  We ended up going in at about 2 a.m. and you were born at 9:30 that morning.  You were the cutest baby I think I had ever seen.  You had lots of dark curly hair.  Your curls were always one of my favorite features about you.  You were the apple of your dad’s and my eye back then and you continue being very precious to us.

You were always a wonderful, obedient child and have had a special gentle quality about you since the day you were born.  People would always comment on what a great kid you were and ask me what we had done to make you that way.  I always wanted to take the credit by thinking that you turned out that way because I was such a wonderful mother but in reality I had to tell them that you were born like that.  I loved the way that you always helped look out for your other siblings and I think that that is one of the reasons why you guys continue to be close even to this day.

I admire you for the person you were during your growing up years and I admire you for the man that you have become.  I admire you  for the way that you have remained close to the Church and for the priority that you have given to developing a strong testimony of Jesus Christ.  I do believe that you were one of the special ones in the Pre-Earth life that really  did know Him and defended his Plan. I admire you for all the hard work that you have put in to develop your talents and using them to bless the lives of other people.  I admire you for the way that you have dealt with the struggles that life has given you.  You are an example to many.

I love you so much and have since before you were born. I am proud to be called your Mother.  Happy birthday Buddy Boy!

From Dad:

I am a year older than you, John. I was born in the US on August 12, 1988, and you on May 30, 1989. A little over nine months after I got here you were crying for the first time in a hospital in Blythe. I was born during a hot summer day in LAX and you, a year later, the day after Memorial Day, and since then you have been in my memory day after day. I started to learn to be a father with you in my arms. Simultaneously, I began to learn English with a book in my hand.

Because of you, I have received many praises. You have made me proud in so many ways. It is undeniable that in your veins run Peruvian blood. You are bright, talented, kind, thoughtful, helpful, sensitive, loving, detached, genuine, inspired. I can use almost all the positive adjectives in the dictionary and all of them will fit you in one way or another. Before you were born, I told your mom that I would like to have a baby boy to be my first child and that I don’t care about the other ones. My reasoning was that the boy can protect the family, especially the mom in the absence of the dad; and can protect the other siblings and be an example to them; that can defend the home and take care of the family needs when required, and you have magnified those responsibilities.

You are unique, you are special John. Your demeanor, your attitude, your countenance always has shown me how precious you are.
When your mom and I were newlyweds, we used to have a picture of Jesus with a red and white robe hanging in the head of our bed. You probably were one or two months old and—while I was sitting on the bed having you in my arms—all the sudden you started to stretch your arms towards Jesus while smiling at Him. You wanted to be held by Him. Then I realized that you had just been with Him, one or two months earlier in the Celestial Home waiting to be sent to bless our lives. Since the first minute you have come into our lives you have been a blessing to us, and today you have become a thirty-five-year-old blessing. ¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS, JOHN!


From Briana:

I remember growing up & having friends complain about their older brothers— how they were immature, bullies, gross, etc. I could never relate. John has always been the kindest, most thoughtful, caring oldest sibling. He wears that title proudly & it’s an honor to see how Cohen has emulated some of John’s best oldest brother qualities. 

Some of my favorite memories include introducing John to boba and  attending the YSA ward together. It was always so special that I had someone to sit by every week in sacrament. He dropped me off at the MTC, selflessly. He didn’t have to do that, but he is always willing to help out & serve. He would drive hours to come pick me up from college after the semester was over & we’d have meaningful discussions. He wrote me every week on my mission. The fact is he loves his siblings so deeply & I know no one better who best emulates the title of big brother. He is our keeper & im so grateful for him. He was my first friend & I sure love him. 


From Sarah:

Thanks for the shout out. 

What I love about John.

I know that I can always count on him. I’m lucky to have known him my whole life and also lucky to know him for the rest of it. He’s funny and caring and thoughtful. He’s just the best.

Three strengths I see in him

He perseveres. A lot of hard things have been throw his way and he just keeps going. Not only that, he does it while smiling.
He’ll forever be Smiley Sunshine McHoneyButter Pants. He really is a ray of sunshine in the life of anyone he meets.
He could drive us to seminary with his eyes closed (literally).

A great story

I found out that BYU had sent out their acceptance letters while I was at school and it kind of ruined my whole day. I couldn’t think about anything else. I drove home alone after school repeatedly telling myself that whatever way it went it’d be ok. I got home and immediately signed in to check my fate. I found out that I made it in and that all my hard work was worth it and I knew the first person I wanted to tell. I called John and I’m just crying. He’s asking me what’s wrong and I finally get it out that I made it into BYU. He was just so happy for me. I’m glad I called him first.

What I wish for him in the future

I just hope he has joy. And that he always remembers his family loves him.

From Helen Cottam Trefflich:

I love John very much.  He is the perfect helpmeet for my daughter, Sarah.  I don't think there could have been a better match for her.  He is kind, considerate, patient and very attentive to her needs.

I really appreciate his musical talent.  He composes beautiful original compositions.  He leads choirs and performs both piano and voice.  He teaches piano. He and I have talked and compared notes about piano instruction and organization.  It is very gratifying to see young musicians of all ages blossom under proper instruction.  The choirs he leads give singers an opportuny to showcase their talents, bring enjoyable experiences to audiences, and often bring the Spirit of the Lord into a meeting.  

John has a love for the Lord and a desire to be on the covenant path.  He and Sarah are equally yoked in their desire to incorporate gospel principles into their lives.  They enjoy studying together and serving the Lord in home and church capacities.  

I look forward to more original musical compositions from John. I would like to see and hear more performances.  I look forward to spending more family time with John and Sarah along with my other children.

Wishing you a Happy Birthday and all the best for the future.

Helen Trefflich

From Abby Fawcett Campbell

Dear John! Happy birthday! You are an example to me of pure kindness and love! You are always there when someone needs your help, a hug, or words of encouragement. I admire you and look up to you. I wish you many years of happiness and success in all that you do. You have accomplished so much through your hard work. Keep on smiling! Again, Happy birthday! Love your cousin, Abby!

From Ann Palmer:

Hi John,

I am responding to Sarah's request to wish you a Happy Birthday and tell you a little bit about what I love about you.

I remember living in Blythe for a short period of time when you were born.   Although not much time was spent around you after your birth, I do remember calling you "little man" when I first saw you because your mom would dress you up like an adult man in vests, ties, and such. 

I have recently appreciated the time I have had to be around you as an adult and to get to know you a little more since you have moved to Arizona

Your mom and I talk quite often now by phone.   When I talk to her, she tells me what a wonderful boy you were.  You were always thoughtful and kind to everyone you knew and met.  You always watched carefully after your brother and sisters and others in your circle.  Maybe you being the oldest child in the family, your responsible feelings for others came naturally to you. 

I also know from experience that being the oldest in the family is not an easy role.  It comes with a lot of assumed responsibility; however, you have always been accountable to others and watched out for their welfare. I have heard that people who you have worked with in different capacities have nominated you the best employee or commented on how much they love working with you.

 In addition, I remember when you were able to spend some time watching after Grandpa Palmer as his health deteriorated.   I was impressed that you took the time with him before he left this world and helped care for his physical and emotional needs. 

Your mom also has commented to me about your talent for music.  She states it did not come from her.  She states that your music talent is a natural ability that you cultivated on your own and that she did not teach you to play the piano. I know that music brings you and others a lot of joy.  

I am impressed with your knowledge.  This gift seems to come naturally to you as well.   I have never witnessed you talking down to others because of you knowing more than them.   In fact, when you help me to understand a concept that I do not get, you spend a lot of time and have great patience with me in explaining what needs to be done.

Your ability to make others feel loved and accepted is a trait that the Savior exemplified when he walked the earth.  Those traits attracted others to listen to His message and to know that He was the Son of God.  This ability to love others above your own needs is very rare gift and is greatly needed in this crazy world right now.  Very few people can show love the way that you do. I am in awe and feel privileged to know and associate with you.

I am grateful for such a great nephew and hope that your 35th birthday is memorable. I hope that you know you are loved.

Best Wishes today and throughout the year.

Aunt Ann 

From Bishop David Higley and his counselors

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for the email. What a wonderful idea. Love is a broad word in the English language, in Greek there are a few more words that describe love better than we can in English. They are: Eros, Agape, Philia, Philautia, Pragma, Ludus, Storge, and Mania. What I love about John is that he has Agape. Agape is a love that serves others. It is a love by choice that serves with humility and selflessness.  I see it when he continues to join us for early morning meetings. When he reaches out to others to help them to grow by asking them to prepare and give a gospel talk. The strengths I see in John are his endurance, patience, kindness, and love enduring. As I believe it could be said of John here is one that has no guile in him. 

It is a pleasure to work with John and to see him start to emerge out of his shell as he grows through his challenges.

What I wish for the future is that you both remain in the good graces of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ throughout this life and use the trials to refine yourself to become more perfect in Him who created all things.

Your friends,
David Higley, Victor DeHart, Wayne Skankey, Drew Rappleye, David Edwards

From Arnie Trefflich

John is a great singer.  When he did his performances for school he shared links with us so we could enjoy it.  When I retired from the US military John graciously sang the National Anthem at my retirement ceremony, and did an amazing job. 

John is great to hang out with and brings humor and charm to any event.  Would recommend.  



From Athena Dhawan:


I think you are a very patient, kind, and loving person who doesn't give up on your dreams. I am very proud of you and your goals to pursue music and your persistence is paying off! I wish for you and Sarah to have a beautiful and happy life together and for health, happiness, and success in all areas of your life. 

Happy happy birthday!!! 🎂 

Athena, Ashish, Noah and Mia 💙 

From Kirsten Trefflich:

What I love about John is that he is humble. He has such strong talents and skills, but he is so humble about them. He has achieved major successes in life, but you don't know what they are until you dig a little deep (or talk to Sarah!). He pursues his interests and passions to make the world a better place. I'm lucky to say that we're related, even if by marriage. And I can't wait to see what his future holds.

From Christina Martin:

Jon is caring, kind, hardworking and very patient. I enjoy how on the fly he can key up a German aria. 

Happy Birthday John! 

Much love,
Christina Martin and Family 
