"Let There Be Light" ASC Concerts

I was telling Sarah about some of the songs in the concert on the drive to the concert the day of. I told her how much I was excited for Forrest's song "The First Day." She was blown away as well. We were also very impressed by the charity we were donating to: Lily's Pad, a sterile environment where children with certain ailment needs can play. Like a playground.

Also, Forrest invited us last minute to record the concert, but we were only able record half of it because we were borrowing Sarah Mable's camera and the batteries were not fully charged.

Another interesting thing about this concert, besides the fact that I didn't conduct any of the songs in it, was the fact that Sarah said she had a dream that was like de ja vu of me singing in the choir this time around and not conducting.

The choir did a great job!

We also were able to go to Denny's for the after party, which was really cool as well.
