Two Baby Blessings in a Week
Forrest invited me to participate in the blessing of his son, Elliott Schafer Chapin. We got their early last Sunday and I was able to be present and participate in the blessing. Unfortunately we had to leave soon afterward. But it is an honor to have been invited as one of Forrest's close friends. I know he really loves me, even when I feel like I've not been the best friend to him. This weekend he is in California with Benggy presenting his compositions at the ACDA conference. I'm a little jealous, but happy that he has this opportunity. And I was able to help him with Phoenix ASC this week.
I had the beautiful opportunity to participate in two baby blessings in one week. Our next door neighbors, Reed and Cedric had a baby about 3 weeks ago. They asked me if I could be present and participate in the baby blessing of their newborn son, Link Tso. I, of course said yes. They invited us over for lunch at their house on a Saturday and had Reed's dad, who is the Branch President of the Navajo branch in Northern Arizona, give the blessing while I helped. It was a beautiful blessing and had me wondering how Sarah and I can be instrumental in helping their family come back to the church, because Link was promised baptism in our church and on the path. I don't know how long we're going to be their neighbor, but this was a wake up call to invite, invite, invite.
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