Sarah's Surprise Birthday Party

The Surprise Birthday Party went so well! We had about 30ish people show up. Sarah Mable took Sarah out to eat at a Sushi Restaurant, and then brought Sarah home. The hour before the party, I got home, and I had asked Reed if she would be willing to help decorate the courtyard in front of our home. She did and so did Cedrick. We blew up balloons and Reed was amazing at putting the balloons together in a 3 tip triangle shape. We hung up a happy birthday sign. We also hung up the "#38" balloons. We put on the table cloths on the table and we had streamers around the poles of the courtyard veranda. Anna Berger brought the utensils for eating, including plates and cups.

It was quite funny because when Sarah arrived, she had the thought, "Wow, it looks like our neighbors are having a party! I wonder why they didn't invite us because they usually do." And then she saw Trevor Gipper, who is a very tall human, and was like, "Why is Trevor Gipper here!?!" That was her clue to the surprise. Sarah Mable pulled it off without a hitch.

People that showed up:

Cedrick, Reed, Nico, Jean, and Link

Laura and Larry

Barbara, our neighbors.

Anna Berger

Laverda and Mike, (from temple laundry)

Emily and Trevor Gipper

Alison Fox and Brother Massimini

Amanda Ferguson

Marcene Higley

Sarah Mable and Nikolai

Stephanie Redd Large and Roselyn

Meg Irvine

and Shelene Forsgren, which was a surprise because she had just had her daughter's wedding the day before which we attended and loved, including Man-ning the Ice Cream Machine for her.

Sarah was super appreciative to have all her friends come and support her in her birthday party. I do love her so much and was so happy to do this for her.
