Saprea Retreat and Birthday Cakes for Surprises

This week has been a difficult one, as Sarah went to Utah to attend the Saprea Retreat, an all-expenses paid for retreat for women who are dealing with sexual abuse or want to learn about sexual abuse in any way.

Sarah left for the retreat on Friday last and is returning tomorrow. The first couple of day were rough, what can I say. I was having a lot of problems finding a purpose in all of what was or wasn't happening to me. I mean everything I do, I do it with Sarah, so to be stripped away of her presence, was really rough at first. She did call me every morning and every evening, which was amazing of her. I've had to find things that I could do on my own, and it's been pretty hard. The thing I have fallen back on was watching TV, specifically the new version of Avatar: The Last Airbender Live Action on Netflix, then because that was so good, I had to continue watching the second season, but of the animated version, at least from the good parts. I also started watching Psych this week, which has been an okay show, and finished the last season of The Middle.

I've also been doing all my preparations for Sarah's surprise birthday party that I am throwing this Saturday for her. I invited a wide list of women in the valley that are her friends and have gotten RSVPs from a good majority of them. I did the almost final preparations today by making a chocolate and a yellow cake with Claire and Roselyn Large. I was babysitting them while they were on Spring Break this day. I also made a big poster of a 38 out of pictures. We used 51 pictures for the feat. Rosie helped me with that activity and it was pretty fun.

It's been a busy week. I cleaned the house as much as I felt capable of doing, which was a lot, but it still needs some cleaning before it will be spic and span. But it is looking a lot better than it had before.

I also have been going to work, which has been pretty great except that they had me work a sub job all of Wednesday, that I hadn't remembered or expected. I was expecting another free day. Oh well. At least I surprisingly learned that next week from Tues-Sun. the Gilbert School of Music would be closed for Easter/Spring Break.

Sarah and I have decided to go on a campout that week. It's going to be pretty cool, if I do say so myself.
