The Birth of Nikolai Dmitrievich Grossman

Nikolai Dmetrievich Grossman was born on Friday, February 23, 2024, at 10:54pm. Sarah Mable invited us to be present and to give her support during the time. She also gave me the opportunity to video and take photos of her before, during, and after labor. It honestly was the best option for me, because I could be a "fly on the wall," like all the baby photography tutorials advised me to be, but still be present to witness the miracle of birth.

Sarah Mable was admitted to the hospital at 12pm on Friday afternoon. Sarah and I arrived on the scene at 1:45pm. Sarah Mable received an ultrasound shortly after we arrived from a really happy man; Eric, I think his name was. He took 3D pictures of the babies face to show to Sarah and confirmed, with the actual Doctor, that the baby was just below the maximum limit that they put the baby at risk for C-section. The doctor advised Sarah to consider C-section, especially since she had gestational diabetes and the babies shoulders would be a lot broader. Sarah and Dmitry considered it. Dmitry was a bit concerned at the risks proposed by the doctor, but in the end, Sarah felt like natural birth was the preference, without an epidural. They didn't give her pitocin until the late afternoon.

Sarah, who was having irregular contractions, begun to have more and more regular contractions. During this time, we listened to a "Baby Coming" playlist of 9 hrs 4 mins that Sarah made for the delivery of the baby. She really enjoyed all the tracks that Sarah (and I) had chosen for her birth playlist. It was also no coincidence that the playlist was 9 hours long, and was really special to Sarah for fitting that timeframe, because that was Sarah's prediction for the length of time of the whole birthing process. And she wasn't that far off.

With the more and more regular contractions that were coming, came pain and distractedness of things that were going on around Sarah M. While she was in her more present state, she took a call from her daughters which was really cute, and from siblings.

Then during her contractions, the pain was getting more and more intense for Sarah. She was on the side of the bed in agony, on one side and on the other side. Dmitry led her through some breathing exercises during her stress which I know was very helpful. Then the pain was getting too unbearable. Sarah told Dmitry to call for a nurse. Shortly after, a nurse hurried in to check on Sarah. She checked to see how dilated with Sarah, but mistakenly (most likely) measured Sarah at 7cm dilated. But Sarah was in more contraction pain and feeling like she needed to push, even though this assessment was taken. She got on all fours (because that was where she was most comfortable) and by that time the nurse knew to call someone and said, I think we're having the baby; measured her and she was 9cm dilated.

The doctor came in with many nurses and Nikolai was on his way. This was all very agonizing for Sarah and she didn't know how far along she was so, in desperation she asked for an epidural for the pain. The doctor told her she was too far along now. To dispel the pain that she was having both Dmitry and Sarah were giving her encouragement, which she bluntly told them to stop with all the external stimulation, and before we knew it, the baby crowned and after 3 or 4 big pushes, the baby was released from the womb.

It was a bit concerning because Nikolai wasn't crying audibly. So many nurses moved him to the cradle after the umbilical cord was cut by Dmitry to check him and help him breath. They stuck tubes down his mouth to suck out anything that was clogging his throat passageway. They also put the baby on oxygen. But soon after all that cleaning and helping, the baby was okay, even though they had to call the NICU to come check him. It seemed that NICU was involved with another birth because they couldn't come immediately.

Soon, Dmitry was able to hold Nikolai, and right after Sarah was able to hold him. I took him and Sarah took him as well. It was quite the miracle.
