Rent Ups and Downs, Impromptu Trip to Tucson, and being invited to See Sarah Mable's Birth Story

It's been a big month of ups and downs for the Gonzales Family. Honestly, a lot of lows for us this month offset by some good highs. The biggest thing that has been messing with us all first half of february is that we wanted to pay our rent as soon as we had it, but it just hasn't been coming. And we, or I, haven't wanted to rely on ANYBODY for the money because it had been promised to us that digital marketing would work and that money was coming. We let it get a little out of hand, though, and on the 9th of February, we got a notice for eviction and cancellation of lease if not paid in full with fees. We spent the weekend deciding what we were going to do for it, and let me tell you, it was one of the hardest things taking our family by the reigns (since Sarah has given me the reigns to provide for this family and understand what it is our family needs) and coming up with the money. It's crazy because just three buyers from my digital marketing sales would provide enough for us to have what we need and more. And yet, being put into the corner that we have been in and feeling like all my energy was sucked into making or potentially not making any money for my family...I was just so worried that I couldn't do it. Sarah believed in me and Sarah Mable believed in me. I felt like I should reach out to Forrest to ask for his help and advice and he said he would pray for my family and put my name in the temple, but that it was up to me in this desperate situation to get my family out of this. It did cause me to become a little bitter, and there is stuff for me to work out there, because Forrest is one of my best friends. I promised Sarah that we would not get evicted and she held on to that promise, understandably. So, I prayed some more and felt like we should reach out to the Church, President Ferguson and Bishop Higley. The first was not too hard, because Brother Ferguson is my ministering brother, as well as a loving man. But I was made low talking to Bishop. Almost to humiliation. But that's not him. Again, that's me and my feelings and caring what other people think and the judgements of other people. I love all these men with all my heart. They counseled me to get a job, temporarily. Bishop counseled Sarah to help me out with the process so we can build a nest egg, of $2000+, and grow our savings so that we can accomplish our goals and dreams and so that we're not desperately stuck in this low money mindset and state that we are currently in. Sarah let him know that she has been told by God to continue working on her business, but later after our meeting with the bishop, she expressed that she would be willing to work easy no-brainer jobs to get us out of the situation we're in, as long as I continue working on digital marketing and not give up on my dreams. Bishop told us about how he wanted to be a doctor but family life got in the way of that dream. He also told us about how he loved to paint and sculpt and proceeded to show us pictures of the most beautiful pieces that he had created. But he said how he needed to pursue something that would get him money for his family to survive. Sarah doesn't want me to give up my talents and God-given acknowledgement that I was born to work in music. And honestly, I don't want it for Sarah to give up her energy healing business just because we needed money. Bishop was actually acutely aware of the benefits and non-benefits of energy healing, which helped Sarah feel comfortable. Overall, we came out of the meetings feeling like there is some hope for us.

Especially since Sarah was able to get me in contact with Trevor Gipper, who is an Audio/Visual tech during Musicals and Choir and other Performances. I am just waiting to hear back from him about the information of the internship and when I can start. It's a nice little light at the end of the tunnel, and I will bee able to learn some great new skills that will help me in my own musical career. Possibly to start my own audio/visual tech company.

At the end of the meeting with Bishop, he extended a calling to both of us to be Activity Day Leaders for the boys. It's a little overwhelming as we have a multitude of callings, including a more recent one that Sarah I picked up of Ward Missionaries. I also learned that they typically meet on Thursdays, which wouldn't work entirely with my schedule at ASC, but perhaps we can move ASC back a half hour, or we can change the Activity Days to a different day. Either Way, changes are needed to be made with the addition of this new calling. It'll also be a fun challenge to work with Sarah in a calling capacity, like we do when I sub for Primary Chorister for Aubri Farnsworth. She asked me to do it yesterday, and overall it went well, and I got some compliments before the whole ordeal.

So, after getting the money from the church, and before our meeting with the bishop on Sunday, I had almost completely shut down in my feelings and zest for life. Honestly, I had truly given up (which wasn't fair to Sarah who has been trying to hold faithful through it all). I thought I was being faithful, but I had proven otherwise. I left our home in a huff because I couldn't handle talking about digital marketing with Sarah some more on Thursday afternoon. Earlier we had talked about going to see the remaining showings of The Chosen episodes 1-3 in theaters, all the way Tucson, but nothing had come up of it. Well, my phone was on its last leg as I had left the house and with the remaining power I called Sarah to come pick me up at the Central Arizona College satellite campus library right next to our house. I had been feeling some things when I got back into the car and things were not totally resolved. Well, Sarah made the split decision that she was going to take me to Tucson so that we could do a little 2ish hour roadtrip, as well as spend time together outside of the house and situation we had felt ourselves in. Let me preface this by telling you that I got a postcard from Granny giving me $300 for my graduation that we had been waiting for the funds to appear in our bank. We passed through Florence and that was a bit hard for me. But my mood was changing soon after that.

Well, the thing about it being the last remaining episodes is that episodes 4-6 were coming out of theaters during that specific day, but the website was showing that it this one theater, which was actually 3 hours away from our house, was still showing it. Well after getting a a quick bite to eat at Taco Bell, we entered the theater only to find out that the schedule for the showings had been written in error and that they were actually showing episodes 4-6. We tried to see if they would allow us into another theater, but they were all full (even though it looked as if we were the only ones there). They took our name and number for if they would be able to show us the first few episodes at a special screening, but we were left without being able to see it.

We called Sarah's mom, because the money from my Granny hadn't come in. And she felt compassion on us, and didn't want us driving home in the middle of the night and gave us money to get a hotel that was relatively cheap, but way nice still. We got to the hotel, which was by the Tucson International Airport, and the hotel had an Indian restaurant that was still open that late. The food was so good. We got sizzling Chicken Tandoori, and Paneer Masala, Naan, and some Mango drink. So good. We then got up to our hotel room and we watched the remaining minutes of The Parent Trap, which was on Freeform. Then we went to bed. We got up and ate a "basic" free breakfast. Tried to go to a mineral shop and museum in downtown Tucson, but they were closed. Then I drove us home. The feeling throughout the trip, even though we weren't able to go watch The Chosen episodes, was one of wonder and fun. My mood changed drastically and we had a lot of fun. The Indian food made it so worth it, because we didn't know where we were going to eat.

Sarah Mable has been a kind ear throughout this whole process. She was and is still willing for us to sale some of her stuff to help us regain some money. Just yesterday, for a cost, she gave me her old phone (which is still a new phone in pretty good condition). She asked Sarah if she wanted to be at the birth of their son. And as of two days ago, I have been invited to the birth as well, to experience it, as well as to take photos and video of the birth and participate in the miraculous experience. I hope I can do it justice, not just to offset the cost of the new phone, but because this is a beautiful time for Sarah and I want it to be memorable.

We have been going to Sarah Mable's house a lot in the past month because Dmitry has returned from jail, and there have been hiccups to communication and feelings, etc., that have erupted from an immediate change. WE, Sarah and I, have been the intermediaries between them, helping them get to the bottom of the their problems with each other. Over the last two weeks, things have gotten 70% or so better and it's increasing day by day. Glad to be of help.
