Impromptu Mesa Temple cleaning and laundry, and Aunt Ann

Bishop Higley called us Thursday night and said that the stake was in need of volunteers to clean the temple THAT night. Well, we don't have kids, so yes, of course we wanted to go. We went after ASC.

The night was really cool. Sarah and I vacummed and mopped the area in and right next to the Women's dressing rooms, the offices, the Temple president's offices, the Lobby and inside hall, and some of the Seiling area. We worked with Jimmy that night. It was fun.

The next night we went to the temple to work on laundry. Since the Borman's are done with their mission, Sarah had to be in the clothing rental desk. So I would sneak off, especially since it wasn't busy, to say hi and give Sarah a kiss.

After that night, we were going to go back to Sarah Mable's house to get our clothes, but it wasn't meant to be, because my Mom called me during our temple appointment to tell us that Aunt Ann was in the hospital again. We prayed and decided to go over to see her and give her a blessing. We were able to get her in better spirits than when we arrived. She wasn't in a good mood when we arrived. But after being with her, and listening and talking with her, it was better. The blessing was great, too.
