Campout, Project Hail Mary, and Medieval Times

Sarah suggested that I go to on a campout to clear my non-sacral projector energy of her sacral energy and those around me. That I get some insight into what I can do with my life and if I should continue digital marketing, what we should do about money, etc. I went to Lake Pleasant. It was very pleasant. I enjoyed every minute of it, even the really cold sleep that I got, because it was cold. I enjoyed waking up and watching the sunset every morning. It was very peaceful. I spent my time reading Project Hail Mary, and I finished it while I was reading in the night. I also set up a new tent that we got from the Buy Nothing Group.

I also spent some time thinking about money and journaling my thoughts and was reminded of the scripture from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6 about the "Considering the Lilies" and "remembering the foul of the air and how they are always fed and never have to worry." I was also reminded of the story of Moses, the Children of Israel, and Manna from heaven and water from the rock and quail that came that fed the people. I knew that I would be provided for, in some way or another.

Sarah spent time with Sarah Mable, almost 24/7. She went to Medieval Times and enjoyed spending it with the kids, Quinn and Lily. Their Knight was red and yellow.
