A Great Friendship from Our Old Ward


Sarah has found a friend that has been so loving and supportive.

Her name is Emily Gipper. She used to be in the old Peralta ward before the ward changes and became Summit Point, so we were lucky to even get to know her as well as we do. Although, the funny thing is, is that we didn’t even get to know her, until we were close to moving out of our apartment to Apache Junction and out of the ward.

Our friendship was only budding with her when we were leaving the ward, but it has grown into a beautiful flowery friendship of giving.

Emily was a choir teacher at ______(Gilbert Classical Academy). Before we left the ward, Sarah constantly prodded me about getting with her and Trevor, her husband (who works in the band at a school), but I never did, because I was honestly intimidated by her and how put together she seems. Just recently, with our newfound relationship, she has helped me connect with choir teachers for observations, and we have discussed things about violas.

But Sarah and Emily have become the best of friends. They are both very supportive to one another. They both are into the healing energy stuff. Emily is a birth doula, so that is very cool. She’s helped Sarah be confident in what she is doing to promote her business and to work on her health.

She has also taken our family pictures and head shots, and she even offered to take Sarah’s business headshots. Sarah is giving back by making a class for her (and others) that has to do with energy work. Up until this point 12.28.2022, she has recorded 10+ hours, and has idea for 10+ more videos, all because of Emily.

Sarah also has had the confidence to promote her business even more, and she is offering to make Ideal Life Vision videos, with my help.
