The Sickness that Got Us on Our Trip

So, as you know, we had made all these plans to go to Utah. Two days after Disneyland, while at Helen’s house in Torrance, I came down with a fever during the night. The next day Athena and Christina came to celebrate the birthdays of nieces and nephews (not sure who), and being still in the midst of the Covid Era, they had me take a Covid test. Christina had packs of Covid tests in her car. Well, I took it, and almost immediately got a positive Covid test. The whole family fled the house, forgetting to take the ice cream, and taking the cake out into the front yard. Well, we knew that our trip would be cut short once that happened, and we wanted to get out of Helen’s hair, knowing we could full well infect her. This was my first ever bout with Covid, and hopefully it is my last. At the beginning I just wanted to sleep. I didn’t have a good appetite, and I threw up all over the bathroom during the night and the day time.

We left Helen’s house, knowing that no one would want us to come by after that and started heading home. Sarah was still working throughout all this time, so we had to leave after 3pm. Because of traffic, we had to stop in San Bernardino, a trip that normally would take us an hour and a half to make which took us three hours. We were tuckered out, and we didn’t think we could make it on the fumes we had. We decided to stop at a hotel on Hospitality Lane, I think it was Quality Inn.

Our reservation didn’t work, and we only had so much money. So we had to wait by the front lobby outside until Sarah was able to get the reservation to work. However, it took a couple of hours.

We finally got our room which was on the third floor of this run down hotel and we stayed there. We were thinking we’d only be there one day, but as Sarah had to work during the day, and I was still sick, we stayed for a total of 3 days and nights.

A couple of cool things is we were able to go to the Peruvian restaurant by the hotel and got some really good Aguadito and Pollo a la brasa. We were also able to watch the third Back to the Future movie in the hotel room. And I would use the bath. So we stayed there until Saturday, but the sad thing is that on Saturday, Sarah started to feel sick. Fortunately, by the time that happened, I was feeling a lot better being nursed back to health by Sarah, and was able to drive us all the way back home that day.

We were out of commission for days, since we had to be quarantined. But really it was a nice time to be together and see the hand of the Lord in our lives. A couple such things is Sister Ellis reached out to us and brought us some much needed groceries from her pantry. Sister Rutkowski did the same. It was just good vibes all around, even though we were experiencing the dreaded covid. Also, Sarah and I were able to become a lot closer in that time, as I was able to take care of my wife in the weeks that followed, like she took care of me.
