The Fox Wedding, FHE with the Perez's, ASC, Lunch with Wife, and Photoshop and Sketches

 I can't believe this happened a week ago. We were apart of Allison Fox's sealing to Danny Massimini. It was a beautiful occasion. We helped with the preparation of the food and music. We prepared a playlist of love songs that we downloaded on Spotify. We were also the ones that made sure the food was out and finished on the serving tables before the party came back from the temple. That last part was a little unexpected, but it worked out. I learned how to set the sterno cans on fire, with our own lighter. They served really great Mexican food, which is funny because this was a White person wedding. But you can never go wrong with Mexican food.

The sealing was wonderful. It was the first sealing since Elder McClaws' sealing at the Mesa Temple that I had been too. We sat with what the table deemed as "the elite" from the old Amberwood Ward. Bishop and his wife, the Shreeves, Brother Stowell, and the Townsends were there, and us. It was a nice little wedding, with Alison and Danny's families.

Sunday was kinda a busy day for us as we had meetings to go to afterwards. We went to the Youth Campout meeting with the leaders. It was bishop, us, Sister Gallegher, Brother Perez, Brother Mow, and Brother Adair. The meeting went well and was held at Bishop's house.

That same day Sis. Perez invited us to their house for Family Home Evening the next day. It was quite a nice experience. Bro. Perez dedicated the evening to the theme of service. He gave a lesson about it and in the end he committed us to be more service oriented. We also scheduled a day to go to Feed My Starving Children at the end of July. Then we ate choco flan and talked about other things. I also gained a new student: Aylette. I'm excited to teach her when they get a keyboard and books.

The next two days, Sarah went in to work. We weren't able to pack Sarah a big lunch so I picked her up at lunch time and we ate at Jimmy John's. We were originally going to go to a Mongolian Grill, but it was too much money. After her work, we needed to go to the bank. We went to La Madeleine and ate some mediocre food, but some really good Creme Brule. We then came home and conked out.

I had my first big meeting with the board members of The Arizona Saints Chorale. I got to meet Kamryn, and re-meet Abrahm. I introduced myself to them...they being the longtime directors of ASC. It was a good meeting. I didn't feel like an outsider. We listened to the music and then Forrest went over what he expected of us for the upcoming year. This is going to be a big year for ASC as it is their 5 year anniversary, so they are combining the three locations of the choir, Mesa, Gilbert, and Phoenix, to sing the same music, whereas in the pass they usually sing separate pieces with a combined mega-number (usually written by Forrest). There will be two pieces that Forrest wrote that we will be performing: a version of Ding, Dong Merrily on High, and The First Noel. I will be given some responsibility over the Gilbert site, but Forrest wants me to come to as many rehearsals as possible and time permits. I look forward to doing this with them.

House sitting the Rutkowski's house has been fun. We've been swimming twice.

This was the week that Stranger Things 4 Volume 2 came out, so that is what we did for date night. We watched the first episode at our house, then went to the Rutkowski's house and watched the last episode and watered the plants and went swimming. At our house, I made kettle corn for the first time, which is surprisingly easy, and we also had salmon patties for dinner. We definitely enjoyed the last two episodes of the season and can't wait for the last season of the series to come out whenever it does.

On Saturday we took Makayla to the temple with us to do Baptisms for the Dead. It was quite the experience. Then we went to the grocery store to pick up some items for Makayla and food for both Sarah and me. Almost lost her phone in the process. And then dropped her off at her next destination.

Sarah had an appointment with a client and then we went to the Ward Fourth of July party. They served hot dogs and Hamburgers. They also had a piece of paper asking general questions about the United States of America that Sarah and I were answering in line to the food. We got most, if not all of them. A cool part of the night is Bishop's brother and his wife did a reenactment of the letter writing between John Adam's and his wife, Abigail Adam's during 1775 and 1776. I enjoyed that a lot. Also, they called up all the past and present servicemen to be honored for their service. The fireworks they had were really cool. Another cool thing is that Anderson came up to me with Mattson and said hi and we chatted about different things in his life. He didn't really appreciate the fireworks, as they hurt his ear that he recently had surgery on.

I've continued to work on my Photoshopping.

And also my sketching.
