Summer Cleaning and food storage, Slack, Rutkowski's house-sitting, and Stephanie Redd Large

 Sarah and I had a great week this week. As our savings increases, so do our ideas for other things like food storage and a good money system. We spent this week, in continuation from last week, buying food storage, including 2 new 5 gallon jugs of water. We had to do some scouring to find where is the best price, with the right lid that fits our water pump. But we finally found a place that sold just those requirements.

We spent the whole of Monday cleaning our house, including reorganizing workspaces as well as tidying the spare bedroom so it didn't look junky. We also built metal shelves for the food storage. We were both home, Sarah because it was a Federal holiday (Juneteenth) and me because I work early in the morning. So we had a good time doing so, listening to Michael Jackson, and our book Deja Dead (first one in the Bones series).

We went to the Klingler's house for dinner on Sunday. We ate some homemade pizzas. We used all sorts of toppings, and in the end they made a dessert pizza with Nutella and mascarpone. Extremely good. I had found a game that Jimmy Fallon plays with Noah Schnapp on the Tonight Show called "Hello, Robot." In the game you try to get Google or Alexa speaking device to say a random word that you don't know of beforehand in a sentence. It is quite hard.

In our chats with them, we learned of a texting/chatting app called Slack that they use for everything. In it they make conversations, or channels, about certain topics. It is a good way to divide your thoughts among several different things. Since then, we have used it and we are up to 17 channels, ranging from "Family" or "Money Council," to a "book club" channel to discuss the books we are reading together. 

Also on Sunday, the YM and YW performed the EFY medley. I felt I did super good, but because of the unpreparedness of two parties singing, they felt they didn't perform as well. There were definitely some parts needed to be added, or taken away.

The Rutkowski's have asked us to house-sit their home while they are away on vacation in Idaho. We went to their house Wednesday night to discuss the details of how to do it, such as watering the plants in the garden with the hose. We then discussed the upcoming volume 2 of Stranger Things 4. We do love that family.

I woke up in the morning early on Wednesday, and Sarah wasn't wide awake I helped her get up by making her some fluffy eggs. That same day Stephanie Redd Large came with Claire, Roselynn and Jacob just to talk about upcoming things for Sarah and herself. Stephanie told Sarah about a clinic that specializes in helping women (and men). We signed up for appointments to go see this doctor. However, Sarah wasn't able to fill out the paperwork in time, so they cancelled her appointment. For me, they read my paperwork, and referred me to another doctor she recommends.

I finally finished uploading all million pictures that we have on google photos. It was quite the undertaking.

We went to Lin's Chinese Buffet yesterday just because. Their food was super good, with some misses. We also went to Arizona Mills Mall.

The YW did some welding on Wednesday that Sarah had to get refreshments for. We saw our friend, Sister Forsgren and her daughter at the Frye's by our house.

I've been just plugging away at guitar and Photoshop.

I've also been sketching a lot as my hobby/habit.
