Valentine's Day, Temple Trips, Father Daughter dinner, and the Ducot's

We've been to the temple several times this week. Not only did we go for our first and third Thursday appointment, but we also went for Valentine's day evening (not in it, but for a walk around it). Both times we needed clarity about a few topics and we got answers. For Valentine's Day the topic of clarity we needed answers for was our familial relationships. We went to the light wall and got answers by pressing the hexagonal square with our eyes closed randomly. This was the hexagon I got:

We did initiatories for our Thursday night temple trip. It was the first time Sarah and I had ever been in the Mesa Temple for an ordinance together. The last and only other time I had been in the Mesa Temple for an ordinance was the sealing of my companion, Elder Steven McLaws when I got home from my mission. We had gone to the Mesa Temple for the Open House in November, so it's been a while. It was rededicated in December. It was a good experience. You don't realize how big the temple is on the inside. In the Celestial Room, Sarah and I talked about our finances.

The Amberwood Ward put on a Father Daughter dinner. Sarah and I were a part of it by helping set up for the event the day before, and then by helping with the serving the day after. This ward goes all out for its events and they spare no expense, pretty much thanks to Bishop Alan Norton. I served the table with the Browns and Rutkowskis. Sarah got the Shermans and the Stenders. I served with the Brown's Grandma. It was a really cool night. We ate afterwards as well.

Sarah and I went to the Irish pub in chandler again for date night a week ago. The name of the pub is called Murphy's Law. We were planning on doing it with Christian Ducot and his wife for dinner but their baby wasn't cooperating. Instead, we had a Sunday dinner with them in which we served them Cornish Game Hens with mashed potatoes. Christian's wife is name Louise and their baby is not named Olivia, it is Celeste. Celeste was just a happy baby while they were here at our apartment. Louise wanted to share with us the tv shows that she's into on all streaming services. I shared the French Songs that I know from one-on-one voice lessons; specifically, "Si mes vers avient des Ailes." They really enjoyed their time here.
