A Temple Cleaning Assignment and Study Date Night

It's been an interesting week for both of us. Not too many notable things happened.

However, the highlight of our week was that we had a cleaning assignment at the Gilbert Temple. It was a late evening assignment, when all the patrons were gone, from 8:45pm-11:45pm. It was a stake cleaning assignment, or at least a few wards in our stake. Our bishop and his wife were there, Brother Danielson, thr Klinglers, Sis. Barney, and some not from our ward, like the son of the Pratts and his wife, and the Koelbels, and also another person I recognized from the Mertz's wedding. 

They said we'd be  dividing up into two groups of 7 or 8 and two groups of 4. Sarah and I decided to volunteer for the group with 4. Turned out we got five: Bro. Danielson, the Bishop and his wife, and the two of us. We were taken to the top floor, or the Sealing room floor. I was given the job of vacuuming the main waiting room and children's waiting area and Sarah was given the backpack vacuum. After I was done, I varnished all the wood including on the stair rail. There were also cubbies for shoes and socks. I did those too and got a cramp in the middle of it. I cleaned the after fountains, the fingerprints above the door handles, and I dusted the air conditioning ducts.

Then with our extra time, since we had 5 people, Sarah and I with the bishop and his wife talked with a temple maintenance  worker. He told us all the ins and outs of what's happening with the temples. However, It was a singular experience.

We left the temple that night filled with the Spirit.

Last night for date night we had a study party since both Sarah and I had a lot of work to get done. However, we went all out getting yogurt raisins and dark chocolate covered strawberries, chips, soda, ice cream, pecan praline, peanut butter cups, and pizza. We had the beginning of the winter Olympics playing in the background (hockey and women snowboarding downward slope) along with classical music playing Illinois the background. We took a break every 30 minutes. It was actually quite fun and useful.

We got a letter from my mom that I will have to answer asap.

I did some choir observations in the classroom of Katie Gerrich at McClintock High School for 3.5 hours. It was really nice to see another teacher in her element and all the singing and supplementary activities she had for the kids.

I also did fingerprinting with the activity days boys and Bro. Mertz joined me and helped me with the activity. It went well.

We also went to the Klinglers house for  Come, Follow Me study and played games with them on Monday. Hannah Mertz brought a cool game called Citadels. It was pretty fun.
