Temple Trip Resolution and The Jackrabbit Factor

 Sarah and I made a goal to go to the temple on the first and third Thursday of the month. A couple days ago we scheduled our temple dates 3 months in advanced. We are excited to go and do the work for the dead, and be reminded, as a couple, of our temple ordinances. Sarah and I both grew up with a deep admiration for the temple. She and I were both temple workers at the Provo Temple at one point in our lives. Yesterday, January 6th, we started the first of our temple dates together by going to the Gilbert Temple to do some work for our dead. We brought 4 males and 4 females to be sealed to parents.

It was a really neat experience. We were running a bit late. But when we got there they needed us right away. They had another couple, the Nations, and a sister, Sister Stacee Large. Our sealers name was Bruce B. I really felt the spirit when I got to be a son in the ordinance, specifically for one of my Peruvian ancestors: Jose Pablo Aldave. I then felt the spirit when Sarah also was sealed as a daughter for a Peruvian ancestor and a Palmer in my family.

Sarah's knees have been hurting recently, so this was the second time I witnessed them remove the kneeling bench and put a chair there so that she could sit. Other women in turn would then sit in the chair for the rest of the session. We know Sister Large's first name because Sarah asked it in the elevator, wondering if she was related to Stephanie and Nick Large. The woman said that she was and asked us to give them her information and that we could take it down after being in the celestial room.

We then walked around the temple and completed the evening by going to Burger King and bringing it home.

Since before our marriage, Sarah has given me the task of reading the book, The Jackrabbit Factor by Leslie Householder. After four years of marriage, and a New Years Resolution to do so, I completed it in two days. It's a little allegory that deals with the laws of God dealing with abundance and attraction. After reading it, I have felt extremely hopeful in manifesting the things in my life and the outcomes that I want to have happen in my life and in our lives. It helps me be excited about the future of my life and what I can experience in my life. I came home and wrote out some of my dreams for my future home and future children.

Wednesday was a fun and interesting evening. Both Kyle Klingler and I were able to teach the activity days boys magic tricks. We had decided to teach them card tricks. I chose a YouTube video with four card tricks we could do, but we just ended up going with the card tricks that we know. My four by four one and Kyle's steal from the bottom. The Kyle wowed them with a trick with a quarter that disappears under a rag, but is really in his tie. I was really impressed to see the boys learn these tricks. Anderson really impresses me with his quietness and his humility.

Sarah asked me to help her for activity by making cranberry orange muffins. I did all the  work and they turned out really good, and I was surprised that I could accomplish that. Sarah's activity was a game night with the younger class. Sister Laura Smith told her that Phase Ten breaks up families. After Activity Days I got some news from Brother Ormiston, a member of the Bishopric. He told me that they would like me to be the Primary Chorister, with Brother Josh Rutkowski as pianist, until they can find someone to replace the position in the absence of Adam Kent. I, of course said yes, surprised and shocked they would ask me. I will need prayers and hope that I can do a good job, but I know that I can. I am looking forward to it.

Today, I spent a good majority of it cleaning the home. I took down our Christmas tree and replaced that empty space with Sarah's sewing table, at her request, and put the new bookshelf that we received from Michelle in the room next to her side of the bed. It looks good. I also took some clothes and the old DVD player we had to Goodwill and got Sarah her $5 giftcards from Sodalicious for the Young Women. Then I took the recycling and got my medicine. Finished the laundry. And I was excited to get news of more money coming in from my student loan.
