House Decorating and Spring Term beginnings

Sarah and I spent the Saturday before I started my classes at Ottawa decorating our house. On Friday, we bought more Command Hook backings (Sarah's preferred method of hanging things in an apartment). We also got a vinyl from the Buy Nothing Group on Facebook. It looks really good doesn't it. We hung it in the frame that our bed makes with the wooden beams. We hung pictures in different locations, and Sarah was able to do her picture collage of Jesus over the dining room table. She wants the middle to say "El vive para ayudar!" or "He lives to help!" It is a phrase from the Spanish version of I know that my Redeemer Lives. We are enlisting the help of LauraMae to do so. We also enlisted the help of Kyle to hang the large Jesus picture that we got from Michelle in our entryway. It had a hanging string screwed to the frame that we couldn't unscrew because of the size of the screw head. So he came over on Saturday with the screwdriver head that we needed. We were able to give him and LauraMae a tiny iron that we had acquired from the Buy Nothing Group a little while ago and she was really excited to get it.

We also took an existing painting and put a picture of Jacob's Redlands Temple over it. Looks good. And lastly, we completed the small pictures around the hole from our dining room to our living room. I really love Sarah enlisting me to help beautify our home.

Sarah had been spending a long time talking to her siblings voraciously and it kinda annoyed me, but we talked about it on our way to pick up some much needed food from a Buy Nothing Drop off. We figured things out, and we got cake and cinnamon rolls and we even got a Corned beef.

I prepared Saturday as if I was going to teach the primary in Singing Time, but then Adam Kent showed up for their last Sunday with us. I was glad to prepare for the primary and hopefully next week I'll be able to use my plan. We had a large meeting with all the auxiliaries and the bishopric after church, and I was impressed by Sister Brown's testimony of the Gospel and of teaching of little children the foundational principles we teach.

Monday was my very first day of school at Ottawa University online. I was and still am a little overwhelmed and today (tuesday) I kinda had a meltdown of sorts, but Sarah was a strength for me and helped me finally get through it. I in turn made a dinner that she laid out with the corn beef and fries and peppers.

Then I finally started seriously working on school stuff for Ottawa. Luckily, or unluckily, I don't start back at Mesa Community College until next week. But it is hard to gauge how much that is going to affect my work at Ottawa and how Ottawa will affect my work at MCC. We'll just have to see and pray that I can handle everything that is thrown my way. I am unsure if the Piano Pedagogy class is going to be going on since I am the only person enrolled in said class. We'll see.

I also taught Brother Richard Danielson, retired man in our ward, for the first time yesterday and it went fantastically. I had to pick up a book for our lesson and it was just the little kid book, but I think it is a perfect fit for his skill level. We ended on Merrily we Roll Along duet and it was extremely satisfying for him and me.
