Late Christmas Decorating and the end of School

 Yesterday was very fun. Sarah and I went out to eat at Chase's Diner by our house. We were both wanting to get a Reuben and Swiss Mushroom burger. On the way to the restaurant I told Sarah, let's finally decorate our home. We've kinda been on the slack when it comes to doing it this year, because of how busy we've been, but we bit the bullet and went to Dollar Tree and Walmart to buy some real decorations, as last year we had the cheapo kind because last Christmas was much harder for us.

We bought chair covers, stocking for us, Michelle and Chris, several signs to put on mantels and hang, and we bought some white ornaments. We still have to buy a tree skirt and tree topper. Bit our tree is looking all glammed up. We call it the 'glam tree.' To be honest, I think this is the first time in my history of decorating trees that I have ever glamourously decorated a tree. Of course we used Billy's tree that we got last year from him. We also bought wrapping paper, even though we don't think there will be many presents under the tree this year. We'll see. The wrapping paper is also used in a tradition that Sarah's mom has, and that Sarah wants to keep up, of wrapping a door in wrapping paper. We set up our Nativity, which also looks pretty spectacular.

In other news, yesterday was my last day of classes. I had two things to finish up yesterday. One was a mock piano recital. I was partnered up with a woman named Jenni Caddy and together we chose the theme of Winter Wonderland; very appropriate for the time of year. The class really enjoyed my PowerPoint. Even one class member said that the image was moving to the song that Jenni was playing which added to the allure. We played a trio for our final piece, incorporating Radmila Stojanovic in the fun. All in all, great end to a class.

The second thing I had to complete were Juries. In case you don't know, juries is a solo performance from your chosen repertoire followed by a another performance chosen by the jurors (judges) in the room. Tracy Peterson, my teacher, Tommy Strawser, Tregoney, and another woman wer in my Jury. I got to perform Silent Noon by Ralph Vaughan Williams with help from Heidi Johnson, my accompanist. The jurors chose Lydia as my second performance. This surprised both Heidi and me, as we had made bets what they were going to choose from my rep.

It has been a really good semester. In a lot ways it has stretched me. This semester I started taking classes at Ottawa University. I had one class per term, and there were two terms this semester. My first class was easy and ended after only five weeks. My second class, was probably the most difficult class I've taken since I started college again. The reason being is because I had to write 4 or 5 papers. It was a college writing class. But, thanks to the loving help of my beautiful wife, and all her support, I did good. Plus, it was really all me and my ideas. I just struggle sometimes, but it all worked out.

As for my next semester, I've been trying to decide what classes I want to take, because there are many that I could take. Sarah's told me that I could take all the classes I want so that I can get a good education. I know sometimes that this is hard for her, because she is the one with the full time job and earning my way through school. But she is happy to sacrifice this for me, because she has told me that she was able to get the education that she wanted and wants me to get the same.
