Christmastime 2021

Christmas 2021 was a little different than ones that I (John) have experienced in the past. But this is somewhat normal as both Sarah and I are trying to come up with traditions that we both want to stick with or change and that eloquently, is our own holiday. I had a small melt down when I found out that Ashley and Sam, our good friends, had invited us to dinner on Christmas Eve (Noche Buena). I didn't know that we were going to get rid of Noche Buena (which was an exaggeration), but that is what it felt like. We didn't, but I'll get to that.

Chris Fitzmaurice Michael made his way to Arizona by Amtrak on Thursday. This was another thing that made the holiday a little bit different than what it normally has been for Sarah and me, a family holiday. However, inviting Chris into our Christmas helped him become a part of our family during this time.

As I'm writing this, he is still here and enjoying his stay. I'll go backwards from what I can remember.

Today was a Musical Christmas Program in our Sacrament Meeting that we had invited Chris to and in which both Sarah and I were performing. We kinda got a late start this morning and on our way to pick up Chris from the Motel 6 where he's staying we got stopped in traffic near Home Depot. There had been a motorcycle accident. But after my worrying of not getting to church in time for me to perform my solo, we still did. I had been reminded by Sarah that there will still need to be the partaking of the Sacrament.

I was first to perform of all the musical numbers: a version of Still, Still, Still by the Piano Guys. Afterwards, I was approached by many people saying how my piece brought the spirit in, which was our Music Chair's (Frances Tenney's) intention from the beginning. I was approached by Sister McMullin and by a young Zoe Brown. Zoe Brown was the next to perform after me and she sang Away in a Manger a capella with a spanish verse in there to honor her dad who served in Chile. I was so impressed, as was Chris and Sarah. We thanked her for her words and for her beautiful performance. It was just so cute to see her sing and for me it brought the spirit.

Sister Shelene Forsgren, her daughter, and Sister Sherman and her daughter performed. They did good, as always, and Cassie Rasmussen and LauraMae performed, too. I really enjoyed hearing Sister Tenney perform as well, with another soprano who sang with a beautiful soprano voice. Finally the Choir sang "I heard the Bells on Christmas Day." I was glad that I didn't have to play the accompaniment, and I let Sister Tenney know yesterday.

Yesterday, Peter invited the Palmer clan to his house to have a Christmas lunch where we ate salads and nachos and tamales and just conversed about all sorts of random topics. Chris seemed to enjoy himself. He got to know uncle jesse, who is quite the lovable character. I got to talk with all my family and they are all doing good. I also got to sit down and play at Peter's piano, and he later on commented on how much he loved hearing me play. Ann got a a Fry's gift card along with a note thanking us for caring for her this year. It was quite lovely.

Afterward we went to The Giving Machines at the Gilbert Watertower. It was so nice to be there with him. He told us he is stingy with his money which is understandable, but we took his idea to contribute money to a $25 Personal Hygiene Kit donation. We spoke with the sisters and got pictures in front of a billboard of #lighttheworld.

For Christmas Eve, we were invited to Ashley and Sam's house for dinner. It was a beautiful time spent. Chris loved getting to know their cat. They made us ham with scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole, and salad. We talked about many things around the table like being the first to break it to your children that you lied about Santa being real. It made me wonder what I am going to do when Sarah and I have children. I'm on the side of telling them that he's not real immediately, because it goes well with the Peruvian tradition.

Sarah, Chris and I celebrated at 12 am when we finished the movie The Santa Clause. We had gotten Chris an Arizona shot glass, a calendar of Tuxedo cats and a journal. He enjoyed them all. We got Ashley and Sam a mortar and pestle from the Henna Shoppe, and I got Sarah a purple amethyst bracelet even though she doesn't like bracelets.

A few nights before I went with Sarah to see some Christmas lights. They were spectacular.

