October 2020: A Move for the Better (written 6.1.2021)

By the promptings of the Holy Ghost, Sarah and I decided to move to Chandler. In some ways it was a hard move, not because of all the things we had to move, but because of all the people that we left behind. However, it seemed that Covid and unforeseen illness brought us farther apart from the people we loved. We felt it was time to move.

Who knew that when we were making the decision that we would be guided to such a beautiful place. The name of our apartments is Desert Jewel Apartments, off of Arizona Boulevard, which is just Country Club with a different name. We had been driving down Country Club, in the midst of thinking about how we were going to accomplish a move, and just like when I received confirmation about the church that Sarah and I were supposed to attend in Mesa, the same thing happened with these apartments. Not only are they in a good part of town, but they are Luxury Apartments, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 300 sq. ft. more than our last apartment (1200 compared to 900). It was a step up from our last apartment, and we didn't even know if we were worthy of these blessings that Heavenly Father helped us afford. But after touring one, and really liking Nicole, the one in the office, we decided to go for it.

The following are pictures of our new empty apartment:

The move went just exactly as it should be. We had a lot of help from the missionaries to get our things packed. I worked on getting boxes to a storage unit for the in between so that way on moving day we could focus on moving the big stuff and not all the little boxes. It was really Sarah's idea. It was a lot of moving boxes up and down stairs and in the process of the move, I climbed more than 20 or so stories of stairs. I mainly moved the boxes, and close to the move I had been experiencing exhaustion.

But with it all, we finally got our house emptied of all the contents. Besides the missionaries, 3 people from our new ward came to help us out. President Kyle Sherman, Kevin and Keith Manns. They were the only ones to show up, but they helped out a lot. Thanks to them, we got the truck packed and in two runs, got it into our apartment.

This is what our Tuscany Palms apartment looked like when we were done emptying it of furniture:
